IP Camera User Guide
Page 23
Add Device:
Manually adding device, clicking the pop-up box to add equipment.
Modify Equipment: Clicking the pop-up edit dialog
Delete Device: Before deleting selected device, modifying it, selecting the device you want to modify.
: Adding devices to the domain search list
Search: Searching devices within a LAN network.
Select all: Selecting all devices in the list
12.4.2 Add Manually
Manually add the camera (Add Remote Camera), click "Add Device", pop-up dialog box, input the device's
UID number.
UID: Different camera, different UID number.
Name: customization, but should be less than 15 letters.
12.4.3 Parameter Settings
Steps for motion detection setting:
Click on parameter settings, set up the alarm service, select armed, the higher motion detection sensitivity
is, the more sensitive message push (push the alarm images to the FTP server), alarm linkage, alarm SD
card recording.
Inout canera ID
Cutomize camera name
Input camera password
Choose an area
Your smart phone will get the push
notification message when alarm triggered