Rev. 1/14/15
Jaylor Owner Manual
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Mini Mixer Models
Warning: Do not allow an incompetent person or a person under the age of 16 to operate this
machine as they could be injured or killed.
Warning: The forward and reverse pedals are very reactive. Depressing, releasing or
changing direction rapidly may cause loss of control and damage to the machine,
and/or injury or death of the operator and/or bystanders.
Warning: Do not spin tires, especially when driving up and down hills, as control of the
machine may be lost, and/or the operator and/or bystanders could be injured or
A loaded mixer (machine and payload) may weigh as much as 2,500 lbs (1134 kg)
for an A50 model and 5,000 lbs (2,268 kg) for and A100 model. The operator must
use their own discretion when negotiating rough and uneven terrain. Improper
operation of the loaded machine can cause loss of control, severe injury, or death.
16.1 Transporting A50 and A100 Trailer Models
A50 and A100 trailer models
are designed to be easily and conveniently moved from one
location to another. The following outlines the procedure for securing and transporting these
1. Always comply with the rules and regulations governing the transporting of agricultural
equipment on highways before starting.
2. Make sure all bystanders are clear of the machine and that there are no riders on the
3. Be sure that the towing vehicle is rated to haul the trailer at full load. Remember, a
loaded mixer (machine and payload) may weigh as much as 2,500 lbs (1134 kg) for an
A50 model and 5,000 lbs (2,268 kg) for and A100 model.
4. Make sure that the unit is hitched properly to the towing vehicle. These mixers use a
standard 2 inch ball coupler (as standard) to secure the trailer to the towing vehicle. To
couple, move the lever to the opened/unsecured position as shown in
. With
the mixer drum empty, drop the trailer coupler over the towing vehicle ball making sure
that the coupler slides completely down over the ball. Next, move the lever to the
closed/secured position as shown in
. Insert a pin or pad lock completely
through the lever in the location shown in
. If using a pad lock, make sure it is
locked and secure. If using a pin, be sure that it is of the type that cannot slip out during
transportation (i.e. R-pin). Check that the trailer coupler and towing vehicle ball are
secured by pulling up on the coupler. If it is possible to pull the trailer coupler up, off the
towing vehicle ball (with mixer drum empty), then the coupler and ball are not secured. If
this is the case, please repeat the steps, making sure that the towing vehicle ball and the
trailer coupler are secured. If the connection is either too tight or too loose, see section
34.0 Trailer Coupler Maintenance
’ in this manual.