Janome MS 2028 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание MS 2028

Страница 1: ...INSTRUCTION BOOK MS2028...

Страница 2: ...sstoreor service centerfor examination repairor electrical or mechanical adiustment 4 Never operate thesewing machine withanyairopening blocked Keep ventilation openings ofthe sewingmachine andfootcon...

Страница 3: ...ion 15 Tension istootight 15 Tension istooloose 15 Stitch Se ector 16 Stitch WidthControl 17 Stitch Length Control 17 Adjusting Stretch StitchBa ance 18 Reverse Stitch Control 1I Straight Stitch 19 Us...

Страница 4: ...erthreadguide O Thread take uplever Thread tensiondial Facecover Thread cutter Needle plate Hookcoverplate Hookcoverplaterelease button 3 Extension table Accessory box Carrying handle Handwheel Button...

Страница 5: ...ccessories 1 A Zigzagtoot 2 J Slidingbuttonhole foot 3 E Zipperfoot 4 F Satinstitchfoot 5 G Blindhemstitchfoot 6 H Str aight stitchfoot 7 Needle set 8 Bobbin I Largescrewdriver 10 Buttonhole opener 11...

Страница 6: ...utlet 4 Turnthepowerswitch to turnonthe power andsewing light For Your Safety Whileinoperation alwayskeepyoureyeonthe sewingarea Donottouchanymovingparts suchasihethreadlake uplever handwheel or neeot...

Страница 7: ...4 0 6cm higher thanthe normalup position for easyremoval of thepresser tootor to helpyouplaceheavyfabricunderthefoot ThreadCutter O Thread cutter Youdo not needa pair ot scissorslo cut threads afterse...

Страница 8: ...ce shouldbeconsislent Neverusea bentor blunt needle A damaged needle cancausepermanent snags orrunsinknits finesilksandsilklikefabrics To Remove and Attach the Foot Holder O Setscrew Foot holder O Pre...

Страница 9: ...tch page30 Fagoting stitch page31 Two point shellslitch page31 Two point boxstitch page31 Overedge stitch page32 Rick rack stretch page33 Overcast stretchstitching page34 Smocking page34 Elastic stret...

Страница 10: ...age24 Monogramming page25 Applique page25 Shellstitch page30 Decorative stitchot geometricpattems page32 Twinneedle stitches page40 Blindhemstitchfoot FootGl usethisfootforperfect blindhemming andtops...

Страница 11: ...4 HEAVY WEIGHR Denim Tweed Gabardine Coating Draperyand Upholstery Fabric 50sitk 40to 50Cotton 40to 50Synthetic Cotton covered Polyester 14or 16 NOTE Ingeneral finethreadsandneedles areusedforsewingth...

Страница 12: ...own Attachthelargespoolholder andpressit irmly against thespoolofthread Thesmallspoolholder is usedwithnarrowor smallspoolsofthread AdditionalSpoolPin O Additionalspool pin O spoolpinhole Spool pinfel...

Страница 13: ...thethread close to theholeinthebobbin Depress thefootcontrolagain Whenthebobbin isfullywound it stopsautomatically Return the bobbin winde toitsoriginal position bymoving thespindle to theleftandcutth...

Страница 14: ...chart E Placea bobbin in the bobbin holderwith the threadrunningoff counterclockwise E Guidethethreadintothe notch onthefront sideofthe bobbinholder Drawthethreadto the left slidingit between thetens...

Страница 15: ...hethreadupfromrightto leftover thetake upleveranddownintolhetake uplever eye Slidethethreadbehindtheneedle barthread guideonthe left O Thread theneedle fromfrontto backor usea needle threader Werecomm...

Страница 16: ...n Results dependon stiifness andlhickness of thefabric number of fabriclayers typeof stitch Tensionis too tight i o ar o c Needle threadfiop thread Bobbinthread Bottom thread Toloosen Rightside Iopsid...

Страница 17: ...Minimize theamountof needle threadvisibleonthe wrongsideof abricwithoutcausing excessive puckering or causing bobbinthreadto showonthe rightsideoffabric Besults varywithfabric threadandsewing conditi...

Страница 18: ...r footnumber and stitch Window showsthedesired stitchlengthforlhe selected stitch WindowO showslhe desired stitchwidthJorthe selected stitch Stitchpatternsare color coded to a recommended settingzonea...

Страница 19: ...g Before turningthestitchwidihcontrol besureto raisetheneedle abovethefabric O Indjcating mark Stitch Length Control how to adiust the stitch length Turnlhe siitchlengthcontroluntilthedesirednum beris...

Страница 20: ...themwiththefeed balancing dial Toadjustdistorted patterns E ll patterns aredrawnout correcibyturning thedialinthedirection of E ll patterns arecompressed correctby turninqthedialinthedirection of Reve...

Страница 21: ...cutter Thethreads arecut ina properlengthforthe nextseam Usethe SeamGuide O cuide tines Theseamguidesontheneedle plateareengraved to helpyoumeasure seamwidth Thelinesare1 g 0 3cm apart withthe4 911 3c...

Страница 22: ...rs Lowerthe presserloot andkeeptheedgeofthe raoncnextto therightedgeof thepresser toot 5Y l t i1iiH fi 1 1 i JifJ 1x j Quilting O Stitchwidth Stitchtength O Needte thread tension Presser footA O Press...

Страница 23: ...rictogether andsewto the endof thezipperopening QJ Reverse stitchto lockthestitches Increase stitch length to 4 andsettop threadtensionat 0 Sewthezipperopeningwiththebastingstitch To Sew O Zipper teet...

Страница 24: ...eam making surethefoldiseven 14 G Wrong sideoffabri Closethezipperandspreadthefabricflatwith therightside facingup E lvlove thezipperfootto the leftpin Guidetheedgeof thefootalongthezipperteeth fD and...

Страница 25: ...ng lever 5t Hresser loot F Feeddogs 0 2Io 6 0 Satinstitchfoot Dropped Dropthefeeddogs Placefabric withtheholein thecenter on anembroidery hoop assnown Lowerthepresser foot Flandsewat slowspeed l 4ove...

Страница 26: ...overcasting mending anddarning lt canalsobeusedto deco ratewithtrims appliques andcul workor asa decorative stitch 2 to 6 5 0 5to 1 3 t o 8 Satinstitch foot 1 o r 2 Thesatinstitchis oftenus dto decora...

Страница 27: ...o 6 Satinstitchfoot 2 Attacha pieceof stabilizer onwrongsideof fabric Drawlettersonthefabricwith tailor schalk Form eachpatternwiththesatinstitch adjusting stitch width Basteapplique piecesonthefabri...

Страница 28: ...oved Dropped Dropthefeeddogandremove thefootholder Adjuststitchwidthasdesired Drawa designonto thefabricwithtailor schalk Stretch thefabric between embroidery hoopsandplaceunderthe neeore Lowerthepres...

Страница 29: ...t 4 10cm Bring theneedle thread down throughoneof theholesonthebuttonandwindit around theshank Bringtheneedle threadto the wrongsideoflhelabricandknotthethreads After buttonsewingiscompleted raisethef...

Страница 30: ...dbeovercast first Then toldthehem as illustrated leaving 1 f 0 4cmto 0 7cm of thehem edgeshowing Position thefabricon themachine sothattheneedle juslpierces thefoldedpartof thetabricwhenthe needle com...

Страница 31: ...leasts tr 1 5cm Placelaceunderneath andtopstitchwithblindhem stitch Trimexcessfabriccloseto stiichino 2 t o 3 1 2 t o 6 Zigzag foot 5 to 6 5 0 5to 1 2 t o 6 Zigzaglool E Seamfinishing Thisstltchis use...

Страница 32: ...umayneedto increase theneedle lhreadlensionslightly Allowthe needle to justclearthetoldededgeof thefabricat thezigzagstitches lfyousewrowsof shellstitches spacetherowsat least5 Y 1 5cm apart Youcanals...

Страница 33: ...lool Paperortear away backing 1lY 0 3cm Usethisstjtchto jointwo piecesof fabricto create anopenworkappearance andadddesigninterest Foldundereachfabricedge1 Z 1 3cm andpress Pinthetwo edgesto paperor t...

Страница 34: ...prevent fraying Decorative Stitch ot Geometric Patterns o Stitchwidth 3 to 6 5 Stitchlength Green zone Needle thread tension 3 to 8 Presserfoot F Satinstitch oot Fora delicate appearance onfabricsuch...

Страница 35: ...o insure comfortanddurability Useitto reinforce areassuchascrotchandarmhole seamsaswellasto eliminate puckering on knitsand stretchfabrics Also usewhenconstructing items requiring extrastrength suchas...

Страница 36: ...tretchneedle whicheffectively prevents skippedstitching Smocking o a 3 to 6 5 Goldstretch stitchpos tion 2 t o 6 Zigzagfoot Satinstitchfoot s E H E ttrE l 3 H r r I o l wrorrlu I ss LeNerH e f f i O W...

Страница 37: ...Neodle threadtension Presser footAl 3 to 6 5 Goldstretch stitchposition 3 t o 6 3 to 6 5 Goldstretchstitchposition 3 t o o 5 to 6 5 Goldstretchstitchposition 2 t o 6 Choose thisstitchto altachelaslic...

Страница 38: ...efabrictherightsideup andsew3 tr 1cm fromtheedge Thentrimcloseto stitching Decorative Stretch Patterns o stitchwidth Stitchlength O Needle thread tension Presserloot A 3 to 6 5 Goldstretch stitchposit...

Страница 39: ...thefabricunderthefootwiththebuttonhole marking running towardyou Movetheslider A towardyousothatthetop mark C ontheslidermeetsthestartmark B Lineup themarkings ontheloot withthetop markonthe tabric Lo...

Страница 40: ...B Sewuntilyoureachthe backmarking ofthe buttonhole Stopsewingat a rightstitch E Setthestitchselector at E stitches Stopsewingat a Sewfour 4 tosix 6 leftstitch Remove thefabricandopena holewitha seam r...

Страница 41: ...ghterdensity lfthesidesof thebuttonhole arenotbalanced do thefollowing lfthebuttonhole lookslike movethelever withthescrewdriverto theright lo makethe rightsideof thebuttonhole lessdense seeillustrati...

Страница 42: ...intheholefortheadditional spoolpin Placea pieceotteltanda spoolontheadditional spoolpin Prepare theneedle thread fortheadditionalspool pin Forthreading of twinneedle sewing followthechart makingsureyo...

Страница 43: ...h thebulbupandturnit counterclockwise to remove Putina newbulbby pushing it upandturningit clockwise Cleaningthe Bobbin Holder Toinsure thatlhe machine operates al its best you needtg keeptheessential...

Страница 44: ...eddogsO andhookrace witha lintbrush Wipeoutgentlywitha soft drycloth Feed dogs Hook race Lineupthetrianglemarks andposition the bob binholdersothatthenotchfitsnextto thestopper inthehookrace O Line up...

Страница 45: ...1 2 3 5 6 7 Theneedle is incorrectly jnserted Theneedle is bentor blunt Theneedle and orthreads arenotsuitable forthework Detng sewn A blueneedle is notbeingusedforsewing stretch very finefabricsands...
