Jadis JA500 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание JA500

Страница 1: ...POWERAMPLIFIER JA5OO ...

Страница 2: ...se a new productonlyafterlengthlyperiodsof experimentation andtrial Therefore ournewJadis amplifieris theresultof I t longmonths of technical research andcountless hours of listenins I I I ENJOYYOURJADISAMPLIFIER Wethankyoufor yourtrustin ourproduct ...

Страница 3: ...of amplifier to insureadequate ventilation Checkthatthemainsvoltagecorresponds to the oneof your Jadisamplifier i 4 The connection of your Jadisamplifierto any type of preamplifieris possible I except if theoutputimpedance is abnormally high superior to 500k Always tum on your preamplifier before tuming on the amplifier Reversethe procedure on tum off your amplifier Speaker cablesmustalwaysbeconne...

Страница 4: ...he t o interconnect cablesfrom the preamplifier outputto the amplifierinputRCA connectors 5 The power cord of your arnplifieris detachable to facilitatesaferand easier moving of thc blo k Always use the power cord suppliedot one of aquivalent electrical rating 6 Insertthecordfirnrlyintoitsreceptaclrbcforepluggingtheotherendto thewall I 7 For J430 JA80 JA200 JA500models wait at least5 minutesbefore...

Страница 5: ...lowsan impedance adaptation from 1to 16Ohms Impedance modificationsareeasilyaccomplished on the terminalblocks Consult the chanat theendofnotice NOTA for electrostatic loudspeakers it is oftenbetterto adaptyour Jadisamplifier impedance to 16Ohms MAINTENANCE To cleanyouramplifier usea softclothwith a nonabrasive cleaning product Do not forgetto unplugtheamplifierbeforecleaning ...

Страница 6: ...es They arelocatednearby thetubes If oneof themblows up I contact yourJadisdealer for areplacement t 5 It is imperative to change thetubecorresponding to thebumtfuse 6 On JA80 JA200 JA500 a lightenedredled indicatesdirectly thefaulty tubethat hasbumt its protectionfuse This systemhasbeendesigned to avoid damages of thecablingwhenonetubeis faulty i ...

Страница 7: ...nmount power tubeson their sockets Be carefull as these tubes have stop pins on the central parts of the mounting base Replace the grid andneverremoveit whenthe amplifieris I coffiected to themainsvoltâge runningor notrunning I I Correct positioning of the fubes is shown on a sheet t accompanying specifications andcouplingpossibilities at theend of thisbooklet ...

Страница 8: ... 91 o 1 t i i i L i J l i o o o o ...

Страница 9: ...rj c F FJ t T 0 t t i F c z Z c a c t E K L v oo o o o o o q r t ô e o F L ô ...

Страница 10: ...J H T J I 5 J F t S I J I J 1 OHMS 4 N L J M C lJ Ll Fu t i ...

Страница 11: ...B 20 Hzto 20kHz Bandwidth at 160W at 3 dB 15Hzto 20kHz Bandwidth at I W at0 dB 5 Hzto 60kIIz Distortionat 100W at 100Hz 0 6Yo Distortion at 100W at I kHz 0 15 Yo Distortionat 100W at 10 kHz Q 6o o Inputsensitivity for ratedoutput 775 mY Inputimpedance 100k Consumption MAXI 1000W perchannel I SUBJECT OTBEMODIFIED ...
