Risk of electric shock and serious injury. SHUT OFF BREAKER AT PANEL BEFORE PERFORMING ANY ACTIONS.
Miami, FL USA - [email protected]
T: 305.640.0465 - F: 305.640.0468
Revised 09/2022
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Please read this en re manual to fully understand and safely use this product. Specifica ons are subject to change without no ce. Please visit our website the most recent user guide versions.
Maximum ambient temperature is 122°F (60°C).
Risk of electric shock. Ensure that main power source is when wiring or separa ng the sec ons of the product.
Check to make sure that all fixture connec ons have been properly made and the fixture is grounded to avoid poten al electric shock.
Do not handle energized fixture when heads are wet, when standing on we for damp surfaces, or in water.
The customer tested the ba ery terminal voltage is 0V. What is the reason, how to deal with it, and how to avoid?
The ba ery voltage is completely out, the protec on board protects and cuts off the output.
Long me discharging without charging, out of power;
Long storage me of the ba ery with less power (shipping, transporta on, storage takes long me), resul ng in self-consump on of electricity;
Ba ery failure.
Lamp charging ac va on:
Turn on the lamp switch and place the solar panel under direct sunlight for charging. Theore cally, the indicator light will be on
during charging (except for individual models of controllers). Tes ng the voltage of wire which connected controller and ba ery to judge whether it's charging
or not.
If it can be charged, the ba ery will be charged and ac vated, and it will work normally a er being fully charged. The ba ery will also have voltage when
tested separately.
If it s ll fails to work a er charging, and the ba ery terminal voltage is s ll 0V, it means that the ba ery is not ac vated and you need to use a charger or a
solar panel to ac vate directly. Please refer to 2 for charger ac va on and 3 for direct solar panel ac va on;
Charger ac va on:
Directly use a voltage stabilized power supply and charger with a voltage of about 14-24V to charge the two ends of the ba ery directly.
A er 10 minutes, remove the charger and test the ba ery voltage separately. If there is a voltage, it can be used normally. If not the ba ery needs to be
Solar panel ac va on:
Disconnect the wiring of the solar panel and the controller, test the voltage and current of the solar panel in the sun, use a mul meter
to dis nguish the posi ve and nega ve poles of the ba ery and the solar panel. Solar panel and ba ery posi ve connect to posi ve and nega ve to nega ve.
A er 10 minutes, remove the solar panel and test the ba ery voltage separately. If there is voltage, it means it is ac vated and it can be used normally. If not,
the ba ery needs to be replaced.
Any one of the above methods can be ac vated. Try 2 or more methods.
If fail to be ac vated, the ba ery is damaged and the ba ery needs to be replaced.
Tools used:
mul meter (for measuring voltage and current), charger or regulated power supply (within 10V higher than the ba ery)
Issue avoidance:
1. Ba ery should be charged 50% or higher before shipment.
2. User should charge and discharge it every 3 months, and then store it in full power.