JBE-P2L1 Panel Manual V1.2 EN
Page 36
Release Date: January 5, 2021
Rev 01 Set special operation mode
From this sub-menu, users can select the operation mode from either the EN 54 compliant mode or a
commissioning mode to extend the screen timeout during installation.
The panel supports two operating modes: A general operation mode and a commissioning mode. In
commissioning mode, the menu screen timeouts are extended for convenience of the technicians. Also,
entering and leaving the commissioning mode is logged in the panel’s history log. This allows interpreting
correctly the alarms or faults that can be registered during a commissioning or maintenance operation.
Please note that the maximum dwell time in a menu is limited by EN 54. The panel should not be left in
commissioning mode at the completion of commissioning or maintenance tasks, as it would not meet EN 54
requirements. Enter advanced programming
From this sub-menu, installers can program customized output activations to given combinations of inputs.
The panel allows configuring up to 598 actions. Each action will be composed by 2 parts: Inputs and Outputs.
“Inputs” refer to the combination of events that will trigger the corresponding output activation
“Outputs” refer to the activations which will be triggered when the criteria described in “Inputs” is fulfilled.
All actions programmed in the advanced programming are evaluated simultaneously and in parallel to the
standard programming of the panel. When a given output group has been configured to be triggered by
multiple actions, these are aggregated with an OR function. That is, if the criteria is fulfilled to trigger one of
the actions activating an output, the output is activated. Additional actions cannot be used to inhibit output
activations. In order to inhibit an output activation, the coincidence must be programmed within the action.
Programming the “Inputs” triggering an action
This menu allows aggregating up to 8 lines to define the action trigger.
Each input line includes the following elements
: The source of the trigger. Panel zones are 001 to 400. Enter 000 to set “all zones”.
Type of alarm:
MCP, Detector or Input. The type of alarm which will trigger the action.
Number of alarms (1 to 4):
This is the number of alarms in the defined zone and of the defined type which
are required to trigger the action.
Relevance (or aggregation command) select AND / OR to define if the condition is sufficient to trigger the
input (+/OR) or if it requires something else to happen (x/AND).
For example: Figure 18
Error! Reference source not found.
below shows that the following inputs will t
rigger the actions:
1 Detectors from zone 001 OR
1 Detector from zone 002 AND 1 MCP from zone 002 OR
1 Input from zone 003