Страница 1: ... d byilushconlroll v6 Aorric iok r valv combin s iul 38mrii 1 n borewthautomallc back_llow pr6vsntion FoveBibl pump mounling alLows ro assembly lorl tthanded nslallalion MATERIALS S6atand cov r mouded inwood wilhbaked enanrglcoaling iiiledwithplaslic bollsandhing sandzincplalBd scr ws Bowlmouded inslazsd ceramic pumpand bas6mo dedinhighmpactABS ptasticwlth s 6cted padslnac6laLr sin lilted wth slai...
Страница 2: ...OW WATERLINE fi ih toffet 13conn ct d to ANY through hu iittings s d Il the dm ol the Ltowl fdlls below the watedlne w6ra msy llood in cau6lng the craft to sink whlch may r sult In Lo33 ol Lile Ther lore ll the rim of th6 tollet ls l ss than 2ocm 6in above the wat rlin when the cr ft i6 6t rest or if th r 13ANY possibility that th rim ol ths bowl msy be below th6 wat rline at ANY tifr6 a ventllate...
Страница 3: ...ylhemosldirect rolleiromlheinetseacock lo thellushrng pumpInottarl Femove thewhire hosesuppedwlh lhelolelwhchcon ecls thelllshn9pumpoll etla llo lheebow kev6 Us S a spannc rotalelh nlak s a kcy5lso lhal lhe llrow ponls upwards p 0 e o s e r l a o T e t e 1 9 1 o 9 r d g r r o r o n q o o o l o e l g r s s p o r r s a tl a s l 2 0 c r 8 r d o o v e r n h o h e l o o b r c t e a d r e r 6 d o o p d ...
Страница 4: ...erinthebaseol lh toiletwlthoutriskol h f rtt Jl ot rNSrFUcrroNs and rorrow the procedure ror NoRruAL rrsE ltth ilushinspumpis had lo Prine ha ill lhebol l wilhlrsshwal r p iAIEHn r rc1oN LEAFLET reaches rhsowner skipper oroperalo otrh cran as conrains essenriar saretv inlormarion ON COMPLEIION OF INST IA ION SAUT L THE FLUAH CONEOL q toilet belowthewaterline Toiletabovethewaterline T l r I DISCHAF...
Страница 5: ...eloietpaperbecoming compacl d atlhebollom ollh bow tilhebow s emorvmove rheFtush conlror Lever key23 lorheopei a posil on andpump th handle kev17 upanddown lnti lh lluslingpumps prmedandwalerenters trrebowl Then Shul rrl the Flush Conlro Ope al thepump wilhlonssmoolh sl okes or eiiicenla d easvopetaron D ringuseplmpasnecessary lok6eplheconlenls oithebowllowenough iorcornfort Usegoodquallyhardorsoi...
Страница 6: ...e rhenewsea downlhe Drslon rodandliqhlen I Removelhelaoe irom thelhreads Reolacethebumperwasherandthe handle grppf thepslo rod lhlolgh rhelape Thenremovethe tapeiiom lhe pislo rod oprrhor2mm in bsrowrh8 3 SERVICING Winterisation OFATN THE comDel svstemboltrasa prorcciion agansrrrosrdamagea d rod s orragc lrrcqrowth n thepipework ol a aerobc bacleriathal cause p 6asanlsmells Openanysecondary vaves ...
Страница 7: ...5 OOOO MA ORSLFVICE lT Fa 2 o o ooo pivoTsslvery I I c 2009 0000 a E covLF A sENrB rolo nltooowl BOLT 12NUT 13WASfTEBTSS r1 rlASHERiNYLoN 29047 00 0 1L8a 14 E 1s l 29043 0000 LE 29026 00m r8 SEAiASSEMBLY 29044 m00 TOP ILVESEAT 0 21 TOPViI EGAS ET 190 20000 22 0 F G iLU58 ar EFr 23 FLUSI COIITFOL LEVEN 21 SCFEWIFLL SN EF 26 SCFEfJ iVAIVE COV R 6 27 ALVECOVEB 28 29 PSTON FODANO O FING ASS 290 60000 ...
Страница 8: ...lls under hoseclps check allhose ipstorcoftosion ard repace wornor Reconnecr al hoseendsandsecure themw1hthal hoseclps Ensure thatlhebassdranplugissecurely inpace 5 TESTING AEFER TOrheOPERAT NGINSTBUCTIONS andiolowtheprocedure lorNoRIMAL USE lllheflushing pump ishardloprm hall_llllhe bowwlh ireshwaler 5HUT tTI THE FLUSH CONTFOL DIMENSIONAL DRAV ING i i6j _10s 4 13 Alldimensionsn mllmelreswlh inche...