Do you use a headset for both your telephone and your computer? Now you can jump from
one to the other with the flick of a switch—the SeleCT switch from GN Netcom, Inc. The
SeleCT makes it easy to move from phone calls to multimedia to speech recognition to
computer-telephony applications. Without fumbling with cords and connectors, or replacing
your current GN Netcom equipment.
• Switch instantly from telephone to computer, for speech recognition
and computer-telephony (e.g., voice over Internet) applications
• Use with your existing GN Netcom headset
• Enjoy hands-free benefits—and GN Netcom sound quality—
on all your voice applications
GN Netcom
T H E O N E - C L I C K C O M P U T E R - T E L E P H O N Y S W I T C H .
Sold by:
Toll Free: (877) 892-2666