The JA-82Y GSM communicator installers manual
Listening to the message can be terminated by pressing the * key.
To exit the message recording mode, just end the call.
The messages are recorded in a memory which is not erased when the system
power supply is shut down.
For events like setting / unsetting, the voice messages “
Armed system
” ,
Disarmed system
” or “
Partially armed
” are reported; these messages
cannot be changed.
6.10. Quick enabling / disabling of reporting to phones
Event reports to your phone can be enabled / disabled as follows:
901 0
all SMS and call reports disabled
901 1
all SMS and call reports enabled
901 2
all reports enabled
except reports of setting and unsetting by
users 41 to 50
(i.e. their codes, cards and key fobs). Master code
control is not reported either. This allows setting and unsetting done by
report recipients (owners, bosses, etc.) not to be reported.
Factory default setting:
9011 all reports enabled
6.11. Enabling remote access
The following sequence enables remote access to the system by phone or
802 0
remote access completely disabled
802 1
access from any telephone and Internet access via OLink enabled
802 2
access from programmed phones and Internet access via OLink
Factory default setting:
Remote access enabled
6.12. Forwarding of incoming SMS messages
The communicator enables the automatic forwarding of incoming SMS messages
which contain no valid instructions to the system:
801 0
messages are not forwarded
, but the communicator saves the last
10 received messages to the SIM card
801 1
messages are forwarded
to the first programmed tel. number in
memories M1 to M8 (e.g. if numbers are only programmed in M5
and M6, then messages will be forwarded to M5). The tel. number
from which the SMS was received will be shown at the beginning of the
forwarded text.
Factory default setting:
messages are forwarded
In order to protect the user against runaway (donation SMSes etc.), the
forwarding is limited to the first 50 SMS messages. The counter can be erased
automatically each midnight, by processing any SMS instruction or by exiting
Service / Maintenance mode.
6.13. Automatic GPRS configuration
If the communicator detects a SIM card change and the main power is on, it sends
an SMS to the YTUN Jablotron server with the network identification. The server
sends back : APN, login, password and own SIM card telephone number.
903 0
auto configuration disabled
903 1
auto configuration enabled
Factory default setting:
auto configuration enabled
6.14. SMS instruction confirmation
If the communicator receives a valid SMS instruction, a confirmation SMS will be
sent a s a reply. This confirmation can be disabled as follows:
904 0
904 1
Factory default setting:
6.15. Reaction to incoming calls
This sequence can be used to set the communicator’s reaction to incoming phone
905 0
the communicator ignores incoming calls
905 1
the communicator will answer after ringing for 15s
Factory default setting:
answer after ringing for 15s
6.16. GSM signal dropout indication
This feature enables the monitoring of GSM network signal availability. If enabled
and if there is a GSM signal dropout longer than 15 minutes, the control panel
announces “External communication fault”.
906 0
signal availability monitoring disabled
906 1
signal availability monitoring enabled
Factory default setting:
6.17. Time synchronization via SMS
This setting enables the function for synchronizing the clock in the control panel.
See chapter 8.5 for further details.
907 0
synchronization off
907 1
synchronization on
Factory default settings:
6.18. Phone receiver loudness
To set the loudness of the receiver of the phone which is used to call the
communicator key in:
909 x
where x is a number from 1 to 9 (max.)
Factory default setting:
9 (max.)
6.19. Number to be called to maintain SIM card validity
If a prepaid SIM card is used and a lack of outgoing phone calls for a certain period
cancels the validity of the SIM card, then this function offers the following: if there
have been no outgoing phone calls within the last 90 days, then the communicator
automatically calls the number programmed by this sequence. The communicator
waits until the call is answered and then automatically hangs up after 10 sec.
910 xx...x
is the telephone number
To erase this number enter 910 *0
It is recommended to call cheap public services (e.g. weather forecasts etc.)
but not toll-free numbers.
Factory default setting:
6.20. Restriction of the number of sent SMSes
The parameter limits the amount of sent SMSes to 100 per 24 hours. 50 may be
alarm SMSes and 50 may be for other events. This is to prevent enormously high
telephone fees.
803 0
restriction disabled
803 1
restriction enabled
Factory default setting:
6.21. Prepaid SIM card credit interrogation
The communicator is capable of checking the credit balance of its SIM card upon
request (by “CREDIT” SMS instruction) or this activity can be requested
automatically (with a preset cycle) and if it finds out that the remaining credit is
lower than the preset value, an information SMS is sent. The function is set by
sending the following SMS instruction:
valid access or service system code (e.g. 8080 or 1234), the change of
parameters is possible on with a service code (other codes allow SMS credit
interrogation “1234 CREDIT“)
instruction recognized by the GSM network to check the balance
automatic checking period in days,
minimum acceptable credit balance
the textual position in which the number showing the balance starts in
the reply message from the GSM provider.
If the reported credit balance is lower than the set limit (yyy), text no. 545 will be
sent to phone numbers M1 and
M8 which have the “Low credit balance” (event
no. 50) event sending enabled
If only uu..u follows the CREDIT instruction (no xx yyy zz) then periodic balance
checking will not be performed, but the balance will be checked immediately
If there is further data following the CREDIT instruction, the communicator will
memorize them and automatically put them in the message when the CREDIT
instruction is used again (i.e. the Credit instruction must contain at least the
uu..u part upon the first sending) and the user just needs to send: code
sending the SMS instruction “
101# 7 50 1
” causes the
credit balance to be checked every 7th day after the SMS has been sent and if the
balance (starting with the first character in the message from the GSM provider) is
lower than 50 currency units it will be reported.
Warning: the use of prepaid SIM cards in the communicator can negatively
influence the reliability of the device. Some GSM providers block cards not
only when there is no credit but also when they are not topped up frequently
enough. This means that even if there is enough credit balance on the card,
the communication can still be blocked. We therefore strongly advise the
use of tariff SIM cards !!!
6.22. Remote programming by SMS instructions
The communicator enables remote programming of the system by the following
SMS instruction:
code_PRG_seq_seq, another instruction
valid access or service system code (e.g. 8080 or 1234)
programming sequence usually set via the keypad