JA-14K(R) Security System Control Panel
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Setting the system:
The way of controlling is based on the procedure: “select the required action and authorize yourself”. It is
an old style procedure which is not correct for the current norm requirements related to hiding the system
1. An unset section is indicated by a functional button lighting green.
2. Pressing the red functional button makes a request for section setting. More requests can be selected
considering the number of used functional buttons.
3. If the authorization is required for setting the section, a red (full setting) or yellow (partial setting)
colour of the functional button indicates the time-out when authorization is expected by slow flashing
(8 s).
4. Applying the RFID tag or entering a code performs authorization (when a code and tag are both
required then their order doesn´t matter).
5. If after a selection the functional button flashing red or yellow (8 s) remains, the system detects an
obstacle preventing setting (see chapter 9.10 Obstacles preventing setting the system).
6. Successful setting or partial setting is confirmed by permanent lighting of the red or yellow coloured
functional button.
Unsetting the system:
1. A set section is indicated by a functional button which lights red or yellow. When intrusion of the
protected premises is detected it triggers an entrance delay indicated by rapid flashing of the specific
functional button.
2. Pressing the specifc functional button (or more buttons gradually) makes a request for section
unsetting and the functional button indicates the time-out when authorization is expected by slow
3. Applying the RFID tag or entering a code performs authorization (when a code and tag are both
required then their order doesn´t matter).
4. Successful unsetting is confirmed by the permanent lighting of the green coloured functional button.
5. If after unsetting the section the red functional button remains rapidly flashing, it indicates the alarm
memory in the section. Cancelling this indication can be performed by further pressing of this button
with authorization to cancel the alarm memory or using the LCD keypad menu and selecting the option
“Cancel warning indication”.
9.3 System control by remote control
If there is a requirement to control the system before access to the protected premises (arriving by car
at the garage) or building to be protected just by detectors with an instant reaction, it ensures no one can unset
the system from a keypad inside the protected premises (no entrance path), this can be realized by remote
controller before you access the building. It requires the JA-111R radio module to be enrolled to the system for
communication with wireless devices. It has to be placed at the right place to ensure reliable communication
with the remote in addition to the required working distance.
Every button can control a selected section (the right one always sets and the left one always unsets). Remote
controllers respect rules on how the system should be set so with any obstacles preventing the setting it will not
be possible to set the system.
Remote control (JA-16J) controls the system the same way and indicates by its LED that button pressing is
indicated and the command sent. There is no feedback from the control panel and the user should use
a different type of status indication to confirm a section status change such as siren chirps, other optical
indications or SMS reports about setting / unsetting.
9.4 System control by a calendar
Automatic system control can be performed by the control panel’s internal calendar. The calendar can be
pre-set to do up to 10 actions (full setting, partial setting, unsetting of selected sections and also switching
ON / OFF or blocking / unblocking of selected PG outputs).
Every action can allow days of the week (from Monday to Sunday) to be pre-set when it can be performed
so only working days or the weekend can be pre-set. For every action it is necessary to select the time and the
particular action to be done and also one event (action) for PG output control. So at a specific hour section(s)
can be set or unset and simultaneously a PG output ON or OFF. A typical application is the automatic setting
of a section in shops, partial setting of a building at night or light control in the night. Every automatic event
is recorded in the history log with the name of the source being “Calendar“.