JA-14K(R) Security System Control Panel
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8.2 Control panel operation modes
Security system has a few operation modes. Switching between modes depends on users authorisation levels.
(+ Enrollment mode)
A mode in which no alarm can be triggered. It is only meant for a service
technician or an ARC technician and it is for enrolling new devices and system
configuration. No control is available in this mode (locally nor remotely).
Functional buttons on keypads are switched off and the mode is indicated by
yellow flashing of the system indication button (2× flashes every 2 s) and signals
from remote controls or other devices are ignored. Entering or leaving service
mode can be performed from an LCD keypad or from a PC using N-Link
software. When a PC is connected online, service mode cannot be entered or
left from the keypad.
A normal mode in which intrusion detectors don´t guard. Free movement
is possible through the premises, opening windows and doors is allowed.
Environmental (Smoke / temperature, gas leak detectors or flood) detectors or
panic buttons can trigger an alarm all the time. Also tamper contacts of all
devices always protect and when they are activated the system triggers
a tamper alarm. Unset mode is indicated on the keypad by a green light on the
specific status indicator (letters A-D) and indication button.
(fully or partially)
All detectors are active and guard (except Internal detectors when partially set)
and when they are activated then an alarm is triggered (next point). Set mode
is indicated on the keypad by a red light (yellow light when partially set)
on the specific status indicator (letters A-D) and indication button.
Alarm is a state when for a pre-set time (alarm length) the IW and EW outputs
are activated and the internal and external sirens sound. The Alarm state
is indicated on the keypad by rapid flashing of the red system indicator.
For a description of differences in EW and IW output behaviour read the chapter
Fault is a warning signal of the system which indicates some abnormal state
of the control panel, communicators or devices and their power problems
(mains power or battery) or communication troubles.
8.3 Authorisation of users
Everyone who can control a security system or perform any setting is called a User of the system. The first pre-
set user with almost the highest authority and who cannot be erased is called the Service code. The second and
third pre-set codes which cannot be erased are the Main Administrator’s and ARC technician’s. Other users
which can be added can also be simply erased and they have adjustable authorisation.