Repair Guide for GDP‐06i
● Test KEYPAD requires your cooperation. You have to press sequentially the following keys:
X = CANCEL key (red)
V = DOWN arrow
tel11 = the most bottom quick dial key (above SPEAKER)
C = CALLS key
● LED test blinks the all the LED’s (both colors) on the phone (top LED, calls LED, silent LED,
loudspeaker LED and 11 quick dial button LED). Press the button with green tick to confirm that
LED are shown correctly.
● TONE test is for testing sound system. It plays a melody in the speaker, check if you hear it. Then
pick up the phone and check you hear dial tone. If both tones were OK, press the button with
green tick.
● GSM SIGNAL test doesn't need your attention.
● CALL test dials the number you entered to configuration file. Wait until the call is connected. First
test handsfree. Check the speaker and the microphone works. The pick up the phone and test
handset. Hang up the phone. Press the button with green tick if everything was allright.
Unlike GDP04, this final test does not require to disconnect power adaptor – there is no adaptor.
Never disconnect phone during final test, otherwise you interrupt the test.
Tests BATTERY and REBOOT are performed automatically.
When the test is successfully finished, please disconnect the USB cable. Then take next phone and
continue from step 1. After you finish the final test it is necessary to check that the warranty label is
intact. If not, please replace it by a new one.
If the Final test fails repeatedly send the phone to Jablocom for advanced inspection. Contact us on
4. Repair Reporting
4.1 Distributor or enduser
In case you send the device to a Jablocom authorized service please fill in the service protocol on
. You can choose between pfd and MS Word format.
4.2 Service partners
Please report all repairs into Jablocom SAP system on
. If you do not have your
login yet please contact Jablocom on
. You can import repair records in batches
in CSV or XML format. Follow the Jablocom guide on
. You will
find the current list of all items to be imported when you log in to your SAP account and select LISTS in
the column on the left side.
5. Contact
In case of any questions please contact Jablocom on