Last updated April 9, 2013 10:30 AM
Assembly & Usage Guide - IZIP
This guide is intended to be followed by
an experienced bicycle mechanic. If you
have any doubts about your ability to
safely assemble a bicycle, please let a
professional do the work for you!
While assembling this bicycle, be sure to
refer to the
Bicycle torque values
sheet at the back of your owner’s manual.
Components that are not properly tightened
could fail, causing injury.
Install the front wheel
in the fork, tightening the two axle nuts with a 15mm wrench to 390 in-lbs/44.1 Nm. Follow the
instructions on page 70 of your owner’s manual (
Front Wheel - Bolt-on Installation
). Make sure the wheel is facing in the correct
direction so the motor does not spin backward: from the perspective of a rider seated on the bike, the left side of the hub has a
circle of 6 bolts, and the motor wire exits the right side.
The front brake needs to be disengaged before the wheel will fit in the fork (see diagram below). Re-engage the brake before
riding. See the section of your owner’s manual beginning on page 74 for more information on brakes.
After the wheel is installed, connect the motor to the mating plug on the fork leg. Each side of the plug body has an embossed
arrow; match the arrows to properly align and connect the plugs. Make sure the plugs are engaged completely or the motor will
not run!
Pull back rubber boot. Squeeze brake arms
inward and pull “noodle” out of holder. To
re-close brake, simply reverse the process.