4 Displays
The CANbridge has four 2-color LEDs (see Fig. 2-1 or Fig. 3-1). The LEDs behave
in the following way depending on the operating mode of the CANbridge.
4.1 Normal mode (Gateway mode)
4.1.1 PWR - LED
The Power-LED (PWR) is lit when the CANbridge is connected to the supply volt-
age and the microcontroller is installed. With a Watchdog reset the PWR-LED is lit
4.1.2 CAN1/CAN2 LED
The CAN-LEDs are lit green with every message received or transmitted without
errors. When the CAN error warning level is reached, the corresponding LED is lit
red when receiving and transmitting. In ’CAN BUS OFF’ status, communication is
no longer possible. The corresponding LED is permanently lit red.
4.1.3 COM LED
The COM-LED is lit green briefly with every message received or transmitted with-
out errors. With an erroneous message it is lit red.
4.2 Automatic baudrate detection
During automatic baud rate detection the PWR- and CAN- LEDs have the follow-
ing meaning:
4.2.1 PWR LED
The Power-LED (PWR) flashes red during automatic baud rate detection with a
frequency of approx. 1Hz. If the automatic baud rate detection is terminated
without success, the Power-LED is permanently lit red.
4.2.2 CAN1/CAN2 LED
As long as no baudrate has been detected and allocated for the CAN-channels,
the LEDs flash red. If the baudrate is detected on one segment, the LED allocated
to this bus segment flashes green for each message received. If the baudrate of
the second segment is also detected, the PWR LED is permanently lit green and
the CANbridge switches to normal mode.
Copyright IXXAT Automation GmbH
CANbridge - Manual, V1.4