The baud rate is entered in bits / second. A maximum of 57600 bits/s is sup-
ported. When changing the baud rate, ensure that the new baud rate is sup-
ported by your terminal program. The new baud rate is completed with <EN-
TER>. The baud rate currently set is retained of the value in brackets is acknowl-
edged with <ENTER> without any further entry.
3.5.2 Setting the delay time of the configuration dialog
The delay time of the configuration dialog shows how long the CAN@net waits
for a key to be pressed by a terminal before the standard software starts.
How long (in seconds) should the CPU wait
before starting the application[10]?
The delay time is given in seconds and is accepted with <ENTER>. If the currently
set delay time is to be retained, the value in brackets is acknowledged with
<ENTER> without any further entry.
3.6 Saving the changed data
After ending the hardware configuration dialog, all parameters are saved inde-
pendent of changes in the Flash. During the saving process, the following mes-
sage appears:
Saving the changes in NV memory...Done.
Copyright IXXAT Automation GmbH
CAN@net Manual, Version 1.7