Prior to connecting the inflator to
hose, wrap threads (1/4 NPT) with
Teflon tape. Screw on inflator until
Set compressor regulator to
appropriate settings (see chart
on back). Additional assistance is
available from an ITW Shippers
Position the air bag at least 1”
above the floor to keep if from
rubbing in transit.
Squeeze trigger to begin inflation.
When air blows out of the back of
the inflator, desired pressure has
been achieved.
Remove inflator and attach valve
cap. Ensure that cap is tightly
Create a bulkhead. The air bag is
properly installed when Zebra
stripes touch lading. If stripes show,
and you can read the warning
“if you can read this, the void is
too large”, deflate air bag and
reduce the void.
To deflate, simply unscrew cap
press blue flapper to
release air.
Place air bag into container.
Weight of additional air bags will
complete deflation process.
& Operation Instructions
Airbags for Damage Prevention
Airbags for Damage Prevention
As discussed few minutes ago, please find
attached the version of the superflow in-
struction sheet I was talking you about. See
below instructions
1: Please replace ISO logo with the one at-
tached to this email.
2: Change the document ID to: RSFGI / 0606
3: Send me the revised version for approval
4: Send high resolution file of this revised
version to Lewisburg Printing.