play interface or press ‘*’ key to perform full screen play.
Send appointed videos to phone book, screen protection, switch-on animation, switch-off
animation, MMS and Bluetooth.
Change the name of the specified video files.
Delete the specified video files in 3GP formats.
Delete all
Delete all files in Video folder in file management directory.
Save path
The files can be saved in phone or SIM card.
For search convenience, Order the files according to name, type, time and size. Also you can
choose the option “none” to order the files.
[Video recorder]:
Enter Multimedia interface and short press camera shortcut to start video recording. Recording time is subject to time limit in
recorder set and capacity of memory card. Enter Option to do the following settings to the recorder.
Function instruction
Recorder settings
In record mode, you can perform following settings: white balance, fill light, exposure
compensation, night shoot mode and flicker frequency.
Video settings
Set for animation quality, limit of document size, limit of record time, sound effect and
compressed format during video recording.
Special effect set
14 special effects can be selected.
Save path
The files can be saved in phone or SIM card.
Restore settings
Restore user’s setting under record mode to factory settings.
Through this function table, you can use the built-in camera of the phone to take pictures and adjust camera position. The
lens of camera is located at back of the phone. The phone screen is taken as view window. The pictures generated by the camera
are in JPG format. Please use proper software to look if you have downloaded pictures into computer.
If your phone memory space is not enough for taking new pictures, you need to delete some old pictures or other files in
“document management” so as to release memory space.
Option description of camera
Function instruction