item Controller BL 1-04 /C
― Product manual
External braking resistor
Braking resistor
≥ 75 Ω
Nominal power
≥ 8 kW
Peak power
≥ 2,5 W
Additional information
The external braking resistor must be connected in parallel to the internal braking resistor. As a result, the continuous power
and pulse power can be doubled if a 75 Ω resistor is used.
8.3 BL 1-04 /C: Motor connector [X6]
Performance data
Supply voltage 230 VAC [± 10%], 50 Hz, f
= 10 kHz, f
> 2 Hz
BL 1-04 /C
Nominal output power
800 W
Maximum output power for 2 s
2 kW
Nominal output current
4 A
Max. output current for 2 s
12 A
Power loss/efficiency*)
5 % / 95 %
*) As a guide value for the control cabinet cooling system.
Current derating
The BL 1-04 /C series servo drives have a current derating during nominal operation. The rated current and the duration of the
maximum permissible peak current of the servo drive depend on several factors. These factors are:
▪ Output current level: The higher the output current is, the shorter the permissible time will be.
▪ Clock frequency of the power output stage: The higher the clock frequency is, the shorter the permissible time will be.
▪ Rotational frequency of the motor: The lower the rotational frequency is, the shorter the permissible time will be.
The current derating begins as of a PWM frequency of 10 kHz (f
) and is linear between the reference values that are stated
in the following table: