EN | 11
ANSI S3.19-1974 Table (NRR Table)
EN352-2:2002 Table (SNR Table)
SNR: 36 dB
H= 37 dB
M= 34 dB
L= 29 dB
APVf=MF-SF9 (dB)
IT-19 LITE EN 352
Please read, understand, and follow all safety information� This
product is designed to protect against harmful noise�
Please note, only IT-19 is EN 352 Certified.
ISOtunes® LITE comes with a pair of One-Size-Fits-All TRILOGY™
Universal foam eartips and 3 sets of silicone eartips (S,M,L)� Choose
the size that fits the most snug in your ear canal. Remember, the
snugger the fit, the better the noise reduction. The silicone eartips
are intended for use when NOT in noisy situations�
ISOtunes® TRILOGY™ foam eartips have a threaded core, and the
sound port of the earbud is also threaded�
1� Twist the foam eartip counterclockwise to remove and clockwise
to place on a new foam eartip�
2� Carefully compress the foam eartip on the stem/sound port�
3� Insert the foam/eartip into your ear as deeply as
is comfortable and hold for 5 seconds while the
foam expands�
4� Repeat with second eartip�
Hint: To open your ear canal wider, lift the top of your ear up and
away from your head, as shown in FIG 1�
Please Note: should the included Universal sized eartips not fit your
ears, all ISOtunes® TRILOGY™ eartips fit this product. Eartips
other than the TRILOGY™ Universal size are not NRR/SNR rated
for ISOtunes LITE, but should offer reasonable attenuation and
Thank you for purchasing ISOtunes® LITE Professional Noise
Isolating headphones. These headphones have been specifically
designed for use in noisy environments, allowing you to block out
much of the surrounding noise so that you can listen to your music or
talk on the phone without interruptions� This product has been tested
and meets the European Safety Standard EN352-2:2002 and the
ANSI standards for a hearing protector, with a Single Number Rating
(SNR) of 36 dB and a Noise Reduction Rating (NRR) of 26 dB� Full
testing details are available in the Noise Attenuation section of this
Noise Attenuation