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Saving Reference Values (Characteristic Parameters)
BIV, abbreviation for Built In Verificator, is available as option for MV110 converters and must be enabled by the
manufacturer. It is also necessary that the SD card is activated to store saved data. The analysis of collected data
performed by a dedicated IsoBIV software running on another device (PC).
The simplicity of test procedures minimize the risk of handling errors; maximum safety and reliability thanks to the
traceable factory calibration and internal references complement the safety by design principle with minimal failure rates
IsoBIV allows to create and print a report as validation of device functionality/measure error.
Operation and Conditions of Use.
The system is based on periodic measurements performed every hour or using a manual command (MCP command =
SVERC). The sensor parameters are measured and compared with previously measured and stored reference values.
Each time the system performs a series of measurements on the sensor and records them in a file called “STESTLOG.
CSV”, which resides in the main directory of the SD memory of the converter.
The sensor test can also be carried out without the active BIV system, but in this case only the presence of isolation
losses and the overall good functioning of the sensor such the coil resistance, the excitation current and the rising times
of the current within the generic limits that guarantee operation.
Instead if BIV is active, the measurements are deeper and the measured values are tested by comparing them with a set
of characteristic sensor parameters measured at the time of installation.
After sensor installation, the parameters that will be used as reference for the BIV system and the IsoBIV data analysis
software must to be measured.
The characteristic values of the coil circuits are saved in the converter memory at the factory before to ship the
instrument. For the reference measure of the electrodes circuits, there is a specific function that perform the measures
of voltage and resistance at the installation site. This function is managed ONLY by the IsoBIV program, which through
a simple wizard will set the converter to perform the measures in the specific measurement point where the meter is
To activate BIV, these functions must be verified:
[ASVFE=1] :
It enable the sensor’s automatic test every hour. The ASVFE function in Menu 1 with access level 3 can
be also activated using the instrument’s display.
This feature can be enabled even if the SD card is not installed and if the BIV function is not active; in such a case the
sensor file is NOT created and any alarms will be generated either if the data deviation from the reference data is outside
the sesnor’s limits.
Practically, in the absence of the necessary hardware permissions, this function is useful to test the insulation of the coils.