User Manual
If a heat quantity unit is specified for the Process Value, the KF100 will
prompt the user for the Specific Heat Capacity of the medium in J/g/K (for
example 4.186 J/g/K for water).
This may also be entered in the System\Calculation sub-menu.
The In/Output menu will then allow the user to select the temperature input
source; either PT100 temperature sensors or a fixed value for measurement
against a known inlet or outlet temperature. Where PT100 sensors are
selected, the flowmeter will prompt the user for a temperature offset, which
may be useful where the temperature of the medium differs from the
temperature of the pipe wall (for example with unlagged pipes). If a fixed
value is selected, the meter will ask the user to specify this value.
When heat quantity units are selected, these behave as any other Process
Value and may be totalized, or applied to a Process Output.
Sound velocity measurement (SVM)
The measured sound velocity (SOS) is available as a Process Value and a
diagnostic function (where specified) during measurement and may be ap-
plied to a Process Output by selecting “C m/s” from the appropriate menu.
Scope function (where provided)
Isoflux flowmeters have an additional scope function which shows a repre-
sentation of the pulse received by the sensors.
In addition to displaying the received pulse, this screen lists the following
data (from top to bottom) :
Gain (dB)
Signal (dB)
Noise (dB)
Transit time (us)
Delta (ns) - [time downstream minus time upstream]
Control unit temperature (degC)
Flow (m/s)