iSMA-B-MINI/MIX Modbus User Manual
DMP262en | 1st Issue rev. 8 | 05/2022
page 55 of 107
8.3 LocalIO Status and Configuration
8.3.1 Universal Inputs
This page allows for entering the configuration parameters and showing the actual value
of the universal inputs. To open this page, please navigate to the Local I/O tab and
choose Universal Inputs from the submenu.
Figure 43. The 8U-IP Universal Inputs page
Figure 44. Types of sensors
The Universal Input table contains the following fields:
Sensor type (read/write): allows for setting a different type of sensor;
Resolution (read/write): resolution measurement 12-bit/16-bit (for PT1000
and NI1000
sensors, please use 16-bit resolution);
UI Flag (read-only): the status of UI configured as dry contact input;
Disable Voltage Measurement (read/write): disables voltage measuring resistance
measurement only;
L.P. Filter Constant (read/write): the value of the time constant for low pass filter in
seconds. Valid values must be between 0 and 60 seconds (default 2s). Setting the 0
value disables the filter;
Resistance (read-only): in the range from 0 to 1000k
Temperature (read-only): in Celsius with the accuracy of 1 degree [°C];
Voltage (read-only): in millivolts [mV];
BACnet COV Increment (read/write): change of state sending threshold value.