Chapter 4
Getting Started
With descending imprint:
Time value for the start position of the card lift in the upper imprint field.
Time value for the end position of the card lift in the lower imprint field.
The position for any clocking between the two values is defined by the recorder
automatically (with creeping imprint).
Any clocking beyond the time range defined will be printed in the same height as
start or end position.
The programming is identical to the proceeding "Column change timing - standard
recorder with one card lift per day".
D1 = imprint field
the counter is increasing automatically
00 = lower imprint field
01 = upper imprint field
By selection of descending imprint values for field D1 = 01 must be first
entered, values for field D1 = 00 next.
D2 = Hours
D3 = Minutes
On graphic recorders the programmed values are valid for all weekdays. Entries for
each weekday via the LED-panel are not required with graphic recorders.
Units destined for North America are pre-programmed with
upper imprint field = 01:00 h, lower imprint field = 23:00 h.
Ribbon Colour Change
The symbol
is indicated by the column pointer
The recorder offers the possibility to change between black and red imprint.
In this menu the point of time is programmed when the ribbon colour change shall be
These time values must be programmed for all weekdays. Up to 8 time values per
weekday can be programmed in any order. The values will automatically be ordered
chronologically by the recorder.
The colour set remains active until another ribbon colour change is executed
according to the time value programmed.
Time 7:01 h for red ribbon.
same day
Time 17:01 h for black ribbon.
As result of this setting all clockings between 07:01 h and 17:00 h will be printed in
red, the clockings between 17:01 h and 07:00 h the next day in black.