Chapter 4
Getting Started
If another time value than 00:
h, e.g. 1:
h, is programmed the clocking is printed
in the line of the previous day. So shifts, overlapping the day-end can be printed in
the same line.
The programming is identical with the proceeding "Column change timing - standard
recorder with one card lift per day".
D1 = Present line
line counter is increasing automatically
D2 = Hours
D3 = Minutes
Graphic Recorder with Leaping Imprint
If a graphic recorder with leaping imprint has been selected, all card lift timings for
each line have to be programmed. The timing from which the print should be started
for the corresponding line must be determined.
The leaping imprint is used if certain periods, e.g. breaks, shall be shown clearly
The number of lines is pre-set by the line height (imprint field) selected in the menu
"Card lift timing" and the print format (character dimensions) defined in the menu
The timing for the first (upper) line must be entered first. The number of this line is
the total number of lines.
If not all lines possible have an individual timing, instead of the time value you can
enter "--". There will be no clocking in a line defined with "--".
Menu "Card specific parameters"
Type of recorder = 03
Menu "Imprint"
Print format selected or freely defined.
Line height is always 3,5 mm, except the
complete imprint is defined 5x7 points,
centred. The line height then is 2,8 mm.
Menu "Card lift timing"
Number of lines (imprint field) is defined.
Pre-set with standard cards.
- Graphic card
- Line height = 3,5 mm
- Imprint field= 110 mm
For the determination of the number of lines the recorder divides the imprint field by
the line height. The result of the division always is rounded off to the full decimal.
Number of lines = 31
Programming of the time values is the same as with standard recorders. The field D1
shows the line, in field D2 the hours have to be entered and in field D3 the minutes.
You have to start with line 31 in descending order. The programming on the imprint
field is from top to bottom.