Chapter 5
Graphic Recorder
There is no distinction between automatic and manual column selection if a graphic
recorder is used. The column change is controlled by a time-program and is, in
general, executed once a day.
There is no special separation between IN- and OUT-clockings and extra time if
graphical cards are used. All clockings of one day are printed in the same vertical
column. The column change is executed automatically by the recorder.
Contrary to the standard recorder the funnel shield shows the date of the period
duration programmed. In normal operation the current date on the display must
correspond with the date on the funnel shield marked by the column pointer.
Possible imprints with graphical cards:
creeping imprint with start position at the bottom.
creeping imprint with start position at the top.
leaping imprint with start position at the bottom.
leaping imprint with start position at the top.
The start position always refers to the first clocking of a day. More details and
information about print formats with graphical cards can be found in chapter 4
"Commissioning - Programming - Card specific parameters".
The position key need not be used at a graphic recorder. The
clocking cannot be released with this key!
Current date
is displayed.
The current date must correspond with the
clocking column on the time card, e.g.
here column 21.
If the card side is full, please turn card or
use a new one.