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6.FAQ :
Q1: Why can`t I see the 9820 MT`s IP address in IPEDIT.exe ?
Ans.: Please check the PC you use is under same LAN/ network / segment as
9820 MT . Please turn off some Anti-Virus / online chatting software .
If there are morn than 1 network card , include dynamic network card ,
please disable one and make sure the one you selected is under the same
segment with IP9820 MT.
Please refer the following possible parts for this 9820 MT not been searched by IPEDIT
Boot up successfully : Please reboot the 9820 MT and check if there are 1 short
beep after 3 seconds . This beep means the device boot up successfully . If not , the
device may have issue.
Network card : Please check if there are morn that two network card
– include wire
/ wireless / dynamic - in the PC which used IPEIT
software . IPEDIT only support
single network PC , please disable the other network connection / functions.
Anti Virus software / Firewall : Please turn off the antivirus software
firewall temporary.
Power : If there is no power go to 9820 MT , please check the fuse part . There
will be no power for 9258 if the fuse buttons is pup up - not easy/flexible to press as
it was
– by over loading for long time , please press the fuse back and the power will
go to 9258 to boot up .
Connection : Please make sure that the 9820 MT is under same router with
the PC used IPEDIT . It is fine to connect across multiple routers but it need to
setup the MASK part which need some knowhow .
If connect to PC directly or through HUB
there is no
DHCP assigned IP
to 9820MT , please remove the network cable and the power cord of
9820MT . Connect power cord to 980MT first , wait for 1 minutes to get the
the beep of boot up , then connect the network cable to 980MT .Then the IP
will go to
( Page #10 )
Q2 : Why can`t I receive e-mail ?
Ans.: Please check the DNS and GATEWAY setting first ( Check user router or
ask user ISP company ) .There is a test button for checking the setting
success or fail to send e-mail.
If use Gmail , please refer page # 39 to
Turn ON the function
“ Less Secure app access “ in Gmail setting .