Document Number
Date Released
Dec. 2016
Revision Number/Security level
R00 S2
Retrofit G7+InvencoLink Wayne Ovation (US) Installation Guide
33. Close and lock the pump doors (both sides if open):
a. Lift the latch lever to release the door.
b. Swing the door shut slowly ensuring that cables are not being pinched. If cables are
being pinched open the door and re-secure the cables before re-closing it.
c. Use the Ovation 1 door key to tighten the bolts at the top & bottom left corners of the door.
4.3.1 Wiring Completion
Ensure that all cables are tidy and cannot become snagged or pinched when the door of the cabinet is
opened and closed.
– Local regulations may also require that the installation is electrically tested and
certified BEFORE switch-on.