Invacare® Modulite
2 Safety
2.1 Safety Information on Using the Seating
Your seating system has been specially configured and
assembled to the wheelchair base prior to delivery. Note
that the final configuration and purchasing decision regarding
the complete wheelchair system is the responsibility of the
power wheelchair user, who is capable of making such a
decision, and his/her healthcare professional. The contents
of this manual are based on the expectation that a mobility
device expert has fitted the power wheelchair to the user
and has assisted the prescribing healthcare professional in
the instruction and use of this device.
The user manual of the power wheelchair contains all
relevant safety information about the use of the power
wheelchair including the seating system. Be certain to read
and follow these safety information.
Risk of Tipping
The power wheelchair may tip over when you
change its stability characteristics by changing
your seating position.
– Determine and establish your personal safety
limits by practicing bending, reaching and
transferring activities in the presence of
a qualified healthcare professional before
attempting active use of the wheelchair.
– Your seating system can be mounted onto the
base in various forward and aft positions. Make
certain that the position selected provides you
with maximum stability over the full range of
seating positions.
– Consider all personal gear and accessories
(backpacks, vent systems, extra batteries,
etc.) that will be carried on the wheelchair.
For example, a loaded backpack, attached
to the back of the seating system, can
significantly reduce the rearward stability of
your wheelchair.