UA RT Error Checking - neoVI
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, neoVI
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T he ISO 9141 a nd Ke ywo rd 2000 pro to co ls use a che ck sum fie ld to pro te ct the da ta tha t is tra nsm itte d. ne o VI a llo ws yo u to disa ble the a uto m a tic a dditio n o f this che ck sum to tra nsm itte d m e ssa ge s a nd the che ck ing o f it o n
the re ce ptio n o f m e ssa ge s. T his m a ybe use ful fo r a UAR T pro to co l tha t do e sn't use the che ck sum o r ca lcula te s it diffe re ntly. A pa rity se tting is a lso a va ila ble if yo ur ne two rk re quire s this.
Figure 1 - The standard checksum for ISO communications can be disabled. Parity can also be added if needed.
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Saturday, March 21, 2009
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Error Checking
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