As standard the generator is delivered with a 5m cable without any connector. An authorized per-
son should connect the cable to a 2-pole safety switch. The outgoing cable from the generator can
be either on the backside or the front side. As standard the cable is fixed on the front side.
Operation Manual
AirMaid® C
The installation of the generator MUST be vertical, like
the figure below. Make sure that the position is safe so
that the generator is not exposed to water or mechan-
ical damage both inside and outside the container.
A typical installation is shown in the picture.
Prepare a rectangular hole in the container. Width
should be 185 mm and height 295 mm. Prepare l0xM6
holes according to the layout drawing on the last page
of this manual.
Fix the sealing of NEOPREN rubber around the hole
and install the generator. Make sure that the sealing is
well fixed around the generator and fix the stainless
steel frame at last with10xM6 screws from the outside.
The ozone generator is equipped with an asymmetrical timer to control the ozone
To adjust the timer the main power has to be switched OFF behind the front
cover. The period of ozone production (ON) can be adjusted T
. The period of
ozone production (OFF) can be adjusted by the T
. As standard the settings is
made according to the sample below.
The settings in the picture are made according to:
1-10 s
: 0-60s
Ozone is produced in 2s and then it goes down in 30s. By combining the white knob (period) and
blue knob (range) the time period can be adjusted between 0,1s to 100h.
AirMaid® 2000 C
500 C
2000 C
5000 C