CN70 Barcode Scanner
Knowledge Guide
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Conducting Inventory (via Scanner)
The barcode scanner application has multiple methods to conduct inventory. This
section of the guide will describe each of the inventory methods and walk through
the process on each one individually.
The Full Inventory section is the traditional ASTS scanning method to
inventory items in which the user enters the locational information, scans
items, and is given the opportunity to add notes or tag reminders for later
The Quick Scan is the fastest method to inventory many barcoded items in
the shortest amount of time. The user enters the locational information, and
then proceeds to scan all items back-to-back to quickly capture items in the
location. If necessary, the user can view the item’s details.
The Verify Inventory is used to thoroughly and quickly scan and verify the
barcoded item’s information while not updating the location information.
Full Inventory Barcode Scanning
After the scanner has an updated IN.XML file
(generated from the ASTS database), proceed by
removing the scanner from the docking station.
Power on the CN70 Scanner by pressing the yellow
button on the top right side of the scanner keypad.
Once the unit powers on and displays the desktop
screen, press the “Start” button located on the top
left-hand side of the touch screen. Select the
“ASTS Inventory” shortcut from the drop-down
menu. The ASTS Inventory program will open
displaying the Main Menu.
On the ASTS Main Menu, enter the scanner
operator’s name and press the “Start Application”