The K4536SST is a digital photo control that
switches a lighting load on during periods of
darkness while providing for a user programmed
off period intended to conserve energy when
lighting is not needed.
The K4536SST established the clock time when
the unit is initially powered up by observing the
occurrence of sunrise and sunset. In good
weather, this self-calibration should take about a
day and a half. Inclement weather may delay the
setting of the clock for several days. Until the
clock is set, the K4536SST operates as a
standard photo control keeping the lighting load
on for the duration of the night.
Screwdriver adjustments (see photo at right) are provided on the base of the unit to set the PM-OFF time
and the AM-ON time in increments of one half hour. The OFF time may be between 6:00 PM and 2:00
AM and the ON time between 4:00 AM and 8:00 AM.
Note: that the lighting load will only be on during periods of darkness so that, if the AM-ON time is
set to occur after sunrise, the load will remain off in the morning. (Because these adjustments are
on the base of the unit, the settings must be made prior to installation).
Note: Time zones are one hour wide and your location in the time zone will affect the photo control’s
perception of the time. If you’re near the Eastern or Western side of the time zone, the actual clock
time will be earlier or later respectively than the photo control time.
Note: The occurrence of daylight savings time (one hour advanced) is approximated based on the
duration of daylight versus darkness. If you are in an area that dosen’t use daylight savings time,
you may need to consider this when choosing your PM-OFF and AM-ON settings.
Information sheet for the K4536SST Photo Control