ATS125x/1260 Four-Door/Four-Lift DGP Programming Guide
alarm code prefix digits, 11
alarm control
assigning, 25
assigning alarm groups, 25
authorised RAS, 26
in/out disabled if area armed, 26
alarm control via RAS, 26
alarm group assignment, 25
anti-passback, 35
different types, 20
programming, 20
areas assigned to doors, 35
arming stations. see RAS
ATS125x and local RAS options, 49
authorised RAS, 26
automatic unlock after entry, 28
cabinet tamper
specifying output number, 44
card batches, 10
first card number, 10
first user number, 11
number of cards, 11
system code, 10
card to PIN time
programming, 13
card batches, 10
displaying details, 41
specifying card formats, 27
zone holds door unlocked, 28
initialising, 40
default reader assignments, 51
defaults, 40
poll, 13
DGP options, 10
addresses being polled, 13
alarm code prefix length, 11
card batches, 10
card to PIN time, 13
dual zone, 13
map DGP relays, 15
map panel RAS LEDs, 15
multiple badge time, 14
output controllers, 10
programming, 10
RAS numbers, 11
RAS requiring request to exit, 12
RAS with toggle mode, 12
RASes with LCD, 12
region count limit, 15
re-lock delay time, 14
screensaver, 15
two cards time, 14
disarming the system, 6
door and lifts
selecting door/lift number, 16
door contact zone number
second door zone, 33
specifying, 33
door groups
programming, 42
view, 42
door open too long. see DOTL
door/lift access options, 38
anti-passback, 20
cancel shunt after door closed, 18
deny region 0 user access, 19, 20
extended access time, 16
extended shunt time, 17
in reader two card function, 22
in/out reader regions, 20, 21
inhibit PIN, 19
low security timezone, 18
method for opening doors, 18, 19
out reader two card function, 22
OUT reader, no TZ required, 22
overriding after entry, 28
overriding timezones, 28
prewarning time, 22
region count limits, 15
required HSU number, 22
shunt conditions, 17
shunt time, 17
shunt until door closed, 18
unlock time, 16
door/lift alarm control options
alarm group, 25
authorised RAS, 26
deny door access if PIN arms, 27
function, 25
in/out disarmed if area armed, 26
programming, 25
door/lift hardware options
alarm output number, 35
areas assigned to door, 35
door contact zone number, 33
DOTL output number, 34
DOTL zone number, 34
forced output number, 34
monitor second door zone, 33