6.3 Intel Stratix 10 MX HBM2 IP Latency
Read latency measures the number of clock cycles from the time the HBM2 controller
receives a valid read address command, to the time that valid read data is available at
the user interface.(In other words, from the instant the master asserts the ARVALID
signal and the slave asserts the ARREADY signal, until the slave asserts the RVALID
signal and the master asserts the RREADY signal.)
Read latency includes the controller command path latency to issue the read
command to the HBM2 memory, memory read latency, and the delay in the read data
path through the HBMC memory controller. Simulation reports the minimum latency in
AXI core clock cycles seen during the simulation time.
6.4 Intel Stratix 10 MX HBM2 IP Timing
The maximum HBM2 memory interface frequency is based on the Intel Stratix 10 MX
device speed grade. The maximum core interface frequency is limited by the
frequency at which the core logic can meet timing.
For the best HBM2 efficiency, ensure that your user logic follows best design practices.
Take care to avoid combinatorial paths between the AXI master and slave input and
output signals. Add pipeline registers as necessary and reduce logic levels in timing-
critical paths to successfully meet core timing requirements.
The following documents provide detailed information on the Intel Stratix 10 device
architecture and design techniques that you can adopt to achieve the best core
The Intel Stratix 10 High Performance Design Handbook.
The Timing Closure and Optimizations chapter of the Intel Quartus Prime Pro
Edition Handbook Volume 2.
Related Links
Intel Stratix 10 High-Performance Design Handbook
Intel Quartus Prime Pro Edition Handbook Volume 2
6 Intel Stratix 10 MX HBM2 IP Controller Performance
UG-20031 | December 2017
10 MX HBM2 IP User Guide