Determine a secure and suitable moun ng loca on for your camera. The camera should be installed so that the
area you are trying to view is clearly seen on the display and a cri cal reference (leading edge) of the vehicle is also
visible. For example: Rear mounted cameras should be installed to give you the maximum viewing area behind the
vehicle while s ll seeing the rear most part of the vehicle, typically the rear bumper, or the leading edge at the
bo om of the displayed image.
Quality First For Performance That Lasts
CVC600HC Series
Quick Installation Guide
Included in the box:
1 - CVC600HC Series - Camera
1 - Moun ng Bracket Kit
1 - Moun ng Bolt Set
! Please include this Quick Installa on Guide with the
other vehicle documenta on provided to the end user.
Install the camera bracket and gasket with the hardware provided. The gasket is placed between the camera
bracket and vehicle surface. Use the bracket as a template for drilling the required holes. The recommended mount-
ing bolt torque specifi ca on is between 20 and 22 inch pounds.
Use only INTEC supplied camera brackets. The INTEC
camera bracket provides the necessary required isola on
from the vehicle body. Failure to do so could result in a fi re
if shor ng occurs.
Be certain that all items are secure. Items that are not
secure or mounted in an unstable manner can come loose
and cause damage or personal injury.
Do NOT install the camera in any area that allows it to
extend out past the vehicle, as this can cause injury if it
were to come in contact with people walking around the
Always verify the area being drilled into is of suffi cient
strength and is clear of all wires and other items around or
underneath so as not to cause damage.
Always confi rm proper image orienta on before driving or
opera ng your vehicle. The orienta on of the image
displayed is cri cal to safe vehicle opera on. An object on
the right side of your vehicle needs to be seen on the right
side of the display screen.
Before you begin driving, be sure the display controls are
adjusted properly. This will avoid unnecessary distrac ons
while driving.
For more detailed installa on instruc ons, please visit www.intecvideo.com/support.html
You may also call us toll free at 800-468-3254 (West) or 800-522-5989 (East) or e-mail [email protected] with any ques ons. Rev A 05/2019