Intel Altera M0344-ND Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

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The Video Development Kit, Cyclone II Edition, featuring the Texas Instruments (TI) TVP5146 Family of 
video analog-to-digital (A/D) converters, delivers a complete development environment for digital video and 
image processing. The kit facilitates the entire design process from design conception through hardware 
implementation. The Video Development Kit, Cyclone II Edition includes the Cyclone II DSP development 
board, Altera’s video input daughter card, DSP Builder development tool, Quartus II development software, 
evaluation intellectual property (IP) cores, system reference designs and labs, as well as power supplies, 
cables and documentation.

Kit Includes



Cyclone II EP2C70 DSP development board

: Cyclone II EP2C70F672C6 device  • 

Video input daughter 


: • Composite video input channels TI TVP5146 (Supports NTSC/PAl, 10-bit BT.656 output)  • 



: • Two 14-bit, 125-MSPS analog-to-digital (A/D) converter - TI ADS5500  • Two 14-bit 165-MSPS 

digital-to-analog (D/A) converter - TI DAC904  • VGA digital-to-analog converter (D/A)  • Stereo audio 
coder/decoder (CODEC), 96kHz  •

 Digital  I/O

: • EMIF connector for TI’s C6000 DSP Starter Kit (DSK) to 

enable peripheral expansion and FPGA co-processing  • MICTOR connector for Agilent and Tektronix logic 
analyzers  • Expansion prototyping connector  • 


: • 256-Mbyte DDR2 DIMM  • 1-Mbyte synchronous 

SRAM  • Two EPCS64 devices  • 

MATLAB/Simulink Evaluation Software


DSP Builder development 



Quartus II DKE  • Evaluation IP cores  • System reference designs and labs: 

• Video and image 

pro cessing reference design  • DSP Builder fi ltering design  • DSP Builder/SOPC Builder image processing 
reference design  • Fast Fourier transform (FFT) coprocessor reference design for TI’s TMS320C6416DSK  
• Nios II reference designs  • DDR2 DIMM reference design  • 

Cables and accessories

: • USB-Blaster 

download cable  • Power supply  • International power cords


 (DK-VIDEO-2C70N) .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Video Development Kit, 




Altera’s Nios II Development Kit, Cyclone II Edition provides everything needed for system-on-a-pro gram-
mable-chip (SOPC) development. Based on Altera’s Nios II family of embedded processors and the low cost 
Cyclone II EP2C35 device, this development kit provides an ideal environment for developing and proto-
typing a wide range of price sensitive embedded applications.

Kit Includes



Nios II family of embedded processors  • Nios II development tools, including

: • Nios II integrated 

development environment (IDE) and debugger  • GNU tools  • Nios II instruction set simulator (ISS)  

MicroC/OS-II real-time operating system with development license


LightweightIP TCP/IP stack  

• Quartus II design software, including the SOPC Builder system development tool  • Library 
of standard microprocessor peripherals  • RoHS-Compliant development board: 

• Cyclone  II 

EP2C35F672 device  • MAX EPM7128AE CPLD configuration control logic  • 1-Mbyte synchronous 
SRAM  • 16-Mbyte DDR SDRAM  • 16-Mbyte fl ash memory  • EPCS64 serial confi guration device (64 Mbit)  
• CompactFlash connector header for Type I CompactFlash cards (40 available)  • 10/100 Ethernet physical 
layer/media access control (PHY/MAC)  • Ethernet connector (RJ-45)  • One serial connector (RS-232 DB9 
port)  • Two expansion/prototype headers (2 x 41 available user I/O pins)  • JTAG connectors for FPGA and 
CPLD  • Mictor trace/debug connector  • One set PMC headers (32-bit)  • Four user-defi ned push-button 
switches  • Eight user-defi ned LEDs  • Dual 7-segment LED display  • Power-on reset circuitry  •


and accessories

: • USB-Blaster Rev B download cable  • Serial cable (RS-232)  • 9-V power supply  • Inter-

national power cords  • LCD module  • Ethernet (RJ45) cable (7 feet)  • Ethernet crossover adapter  •


hard ware and software reference designs targeted to the Nios development board Cyclone II edition  
• One-year subscription to Nios II processor-related tool upgrades  • There are no license or royalty 
fees connected with the Nios II development kit used to develop with Altera FPGA’s and HardCopy 
series structured ASICs  • Coupon for a 20% discount on any one instructor-led Altera Technical 
Training course scheduled in North America


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 Development Kit,




The Cyclone II EP2C35 PCI Express Development Board provides a hardware platform for developing and 
prototyping PCI Express, DDR2 SDRAM, and the 10/100/1,000 Ethernet interface. Based on Cyclone II 
FPGAs and using Altera MegaCore functions or your own IP, Cyclone II EP2C35 PCI Express Development 
Board allows users to quickly solve design problems that typically require time-consuming and custom 



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PCI Development Kit 



The Video Input Daughter Card from Altera enables composite video to be interfaced with Altera’s or third 
party partner FPGA development board equipped with a standard expansion connector. It is ideal for 
developing applications with the Video and Image Processing Solutions that need to perform any image 
processing. The daughter card is included as part of the Video Development Kit, Cyclone II Edition and it 
can be purchased as a separate item.


: • 2 Composite Video Input Channels using the Texas Instruments (TI) TVP5146 ADC  • Support 

for NTSC/PAL  • 10-bit BT.656 Output  • Compatibility with expansion connector, standard on most Altera 
development kits



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Video Input Daughtercard

The DSP Development Kit, Cyclone II Edition provides everything you need to develop complete system-on-
a-programmable-chip (SOPC) solutions.

Kit Includes


• Cyclone II DSP Development Board with and EP2C70 device  • DSP Development Kit, Cyclone II Edition 
Version 6.0.1 CD-ROM  • DSP Builder Version 6.0.1 CD-ROM  • The MathWorks MATLAB and Simulink 
CD-ROM Release 2006a (2006a)  • Quartus II Software Development Kit Edition (DKE) version 6.0 SP1 
CD-ROM  • Nios II Embedded Processor Windows Evaluation Edition version 6.0.1 CD-ROM  • IP MegaCore 
Library version 6.0.1 CD-ROM  • SLP-50 anti-aliasing fi lter from Mini-Circuits  • SMA Cable  • USB-Blaster 
down load cable and USB cable  • Power supply and adapters for North America/Japan, Europe and the 
United Kingdom  • Quartus II Design Software Installation and Licensing for PCs manual



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DSP Development Kit, 




The Nios II Embedded Evaluation Kit, Cyclone III Edition, is a fi rst class, low cost evaluation platform for 
embedded developers. Software developers, especially those new to FPGA design, can install and evaluate 
the Nios II Embedded Design Suite (EDS) - a comprehensive software development suite for embedded 
ap plications - all at no cost. The included software tutorials and examples come with full source code 
showing applications such as Picture Viewer, Web Server, C-to-Hardware (C2H) acceleration and graphics.

Kit Includes




 Cyclone III EP3C25F324 FPGA  • 


 Embedded USB-

Blaster™ circuitry (includes an Altera EPM3128A CPLD) allowing download of FPGA configuration files 
via the user’s USB port  • 

Power and analog devices from Linear Technology:

 • Switching power supply 

LTM4603EV-1  • Switching and step-down regulators LTC3413, LT1959  • 


 • 32 Mbytes of DDR 

SDRAM  • 1Mbyte of Synchronous SRAM  • 16Mbytes of Intel P30/P33 flash 



 50 MHz on-board 

oscillator  • 

Switches and indicators:

 • Six push buttons total, four user controlled  • Seven LEDs total, 

four user controlled  •


 Color LCD touch-screen display:

 800 x 480 resolution  


24-bit CD quality Audio CODEC with line-in, line-out, and microphone-in jacks


10/100 Ethernet 

physical layer/media access control (PHY/MAC) 



 • VGA output  • Composite TV-in  

• Audio-out, audio-in, and microphone-in  • Secure digital (SD) card  • Serial connector (RS-232 DB9 port)  
• PS/2  • Ethernet connector (RJ-45)  • 



Example applications:


• Application selector  • Picture viewer  • Mandelbrot acceleration with the Nios C2H compiler  • Web server/
Remote FPGA configuration  • 

Hardware tutorials:

 • Create an FPGA design in one hour  • Build a 32-bit 

soft processer system inside an FPGA  

Software tutorials:

 My First Software Application  • 



 • Quick start guide  • User guide  • Reference manual  • Board schematic, layout, and bill 

of materials  • Product and partner information  • 


 • 128-Mbyte SD card and 

USB-to-SD card adapter  • USB cable  • 9V power supply  • International power cords  • Ethernet (RJ-45) 
cable (7 ft.)  • Ethernet crossover adapter  •




II Web Edition (FPGA design software)  • ModelSim®  Altera Web Edition (FPGA simulation software from 
ModelSim)  • Nios II Embedded Design Suite (32-bit microprocessor software)  • MicroC/OS-II real-time 
operating system evaluation  • Nios II C-to-Hardware acceleration compiler evaluation  • NicheStack TCP/IP 
Network Stack - Nios II Edition evaluation  • MegaCore® IP Library 

(Library of intellectual property cores)



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 Embedded Evaluation Kit, 





DE2 Development and 
Education Board

Specifications: FPGA:

 • Cyclone II 

EP2C35F672C6 FPGA and EPCS16 
serial confi guration device 

I/O Devices:


• Built-in USB Blaster for FPGA confi guration  • 10/100 
Ethernet, RS-232, Infrared port  • Video Out (VGA 10-bit 
DAC)  • Video In (NTSC/PAL/Multi-format)  • USB 2.0 
(type A and type B)  • PS/2 mouse or keyboard port  
• Line-in, Line-out, microphone-in (24-bit audio CODEC)  
• Expansion headers (76 signal pins) 


 • 8MB 

SDRAM, 512KB SRAM, 4MB Flash  • SD memory card 

Switches, LEDs, Displays and Clocks:

 • 18 toggle 

switches  • 4 debounced pushbutton switches  • 18 red 
LEDs, 9 green LEDs  • Eight 7-segment displays  • 16 x 
2 LCD display  • 27MHz and 50MHz oscillators, external 
SMA clock input


(P0301) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



 Academic pricing available; call Digi-Key for pricing.

DE1 Development and Education Board

Specifications: FPGA:

 • Cyclone II 

EP2C20F484C7 FPGA and EPCS4 serial 
con fi g 

ur ation device 

I/O Devices:

 • Built-in 

USB Blaster for FPGA confi guration RS-232 port  • VGA DAC 
resistor net work (4096 colors)  • PS/2 mouse or keyboard 
port  • Line-in, Line-out, microphone-in (24-bit audio CODEC)  
• Ex pan sion headers (76 signal pins)  


 • 8-MB 

SDRAM, 512KB SRAM, 4MB Flash  • SD memory card slot 

Switches, LEDs, Dis plays and Clocks:

 • 10 toggle switches  

• 4 debounced push button switches  • 10 red LEDs, 8 green 
LEDs  • Four 7-segment dis plays  • 27MHz and 50MHz 
oscillators, external SMA clock input


(P0528) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


DE2-70 Development and 
Education Board


 • Altera Cyclone


 II 2C70 FPGA device  

• Altera Serial Con fi g u r ations device EPCS16  • USB 
Blaster (on board) for pro gram ming and user API control; 
both JTAG and Active Serial (AS) pro gram ming modes 
are supported  • 2-Mbyte SSRAM  • Two 32-Mbyte 
SDRAM  • 8-Mbyte Flash memory  • SD Card socket  
• 4 pushbutton switches  • 18 toggle switches  • 18 red 
user LEDs  • 9 green user LEDs  • 50MHz oscillator and 
28.63MHz oscillator for clock sources  • 24-bit CD-quality 
audio CODEC with line-in, line-out and microphone-
in jacks  • VGA DAC (10-bit high-speed triple DACs) 
with VGA-out connector  • 2 TV Decoder (NTSC/PAL/
SECAM) and TV-in connector  • 10/100 Ethernet Controller with a connector  • USB Host/Slave Con trol ler 
with USB type A and type B connectors  • RS-232 transceiver and 9-pin connector  • PS/2 mouse/key board 
connector  • IrDA transceiver  • 1 SMA connector  • Two 40-pin Expansion Headers with diode protection


(P0304) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



 Academic pricing available; call Digi-Key for pricing.

Digital Development Kits and Sensor


 The TRDB_LCM Kit provides everything you need to develop applications using 

a digital panel on the Altera DE2 board and Altera Cyclone II FPGA Starter Development 
Kit (CII Starter Kit). 

Kit Includes:

 • Complete reference designs and source code for 

implementing a TV player or a Color Pattern Generator using TRDB_LCM and Altera DE2/CII Starter Kits.


 The 4.3” Ultra-high Resolution LCD Touch Panel Development Kit provides users an 800 x 480 

full-color high-quality LCD Touch Panel with complete reference designs with source code to allow users 
to develop applications using a touch panel on the Altera DE2-70/DE2/DE1 boards and Altera Cyclone II/
Cyclone III Starter Kits.


 The TRDB_DC2 1.3 Mega Pixel Digital Camera module that provides everything you need 

to build a 1.3 Mega Pixel Digital Camera on the Altera DE2/DE1 board and CII Starter Kit. 

Kit Includes:


• TRDB_DC2: 1.3 Mega Pixel Daughter card  • Complete reference design with source code in Verilog  
• User Manual with Live Demo examples  


Must use M0344-ND with this module.


 This CMOS Sensor is to be used with P0349-ND.


(P0424) 3.6 Inch Digital Panel Development Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



(P0307) 4.3 Inch Digital Touch Panel Development Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



(P0349) 1.3 Mega Pixel Digital Camera Development Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



(M0344) Sensor for use with P0349-ND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

