Страница 1: ...www SteamPoweredRadio Com t 1 L INSTRUCTION MANUAL MODEL 230 MULTIBAND AUDIO PROCESSOR _ January 1977 503 B VANDELL WAY CAMPBELL CA 95008 __ __ _ ...
Страница 2: ...d Inspection Mounting RFI In Out Connection Polarity Line Considerations 9 IV OPERATION AND ADJUSTMENT 11 Basic Adjustments AM Adjustments FM V VI Adjustments Peak Limiter Release Timing Gated Expansion Function Program Response Shaping CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONS 14 Input Amplifier Bandpass Compressors Gating Circuit C ombining Amplifier Program Phase Detector Peak Limiter Circuits Output Amplifier Powe...
Страница 3: ...e Phase Fol 1 ower AM and independent Frequency Selective Limiter circuitry FM Specifications relative to overall 230 per fonnance and data specific to the Compressor and Limiter sections are tabulated separately Fre2uency R esponse below Compressor threshold ldB 20Hz 20kHz Noise Level Better than 6Sd8 below 100 modulation Distortion 1 THO for any degree of compression and l_imiti g of steady stat...
Страница 4: ...700 1 Sk 1 5k 3 5k 3 Sk 7 Sk 7 Sk 20k I 1 10 x l7N r _ l __ V I J y II I lOC Compression Ratio 2 1 1 8 1 switch selectable in each band Compression Threshold Variable over lSdB range in each band Attack and R elease Timing Optimized for each band consistent with rapid operation r m s response and low distortion Gated Expansion DEFEATABLE FUNCTION See pg 7 Peak Limiter Specifications Following comp...
Страница 5: ...E FUNCTION Positive peak value can be adjusted from 100 to 150 of negative peak value Phase Follower DEFEATABLE FUNCTION See pg 7 Frequency Selective Limiter DEFEATABLE FUNCTION Switchable to complement either 75µs or 25µs FM pre emphasis characteristics to prevent overmodulation from high frequency program energy Circuit provides totally independent limiting of high frequencies 5 i 1 ...
Страница 6: ...y at low frequencies as a necessarily short rectifier filter time constant results in ampli tude modulation of the program by its own harmonic products The obvious alternative is to independently compress high and low frequencies tailoring the rectifier filter time constants to the sub ject portions of the spectrum In this manner low frequency distor tion could remain at an acceptably low level wh...
Страница 7: ... FM stereo generator The 230 preserves signal waveshape as much as possible consistent with instantaneous reduction of fast program peaks The advantage of true peak limiting in terms of audible signal distortion is obvious even in casual listening situations Asyrm etrical Modulation In AM broadcast use of the 230 the value of positive modulation peaks may be continuously adjusted to assume up to 1...
Страница 8: ...ignal phase modulates the carrier and is independently demodulated and matrixed by the AM stereo receiver to yield Left and Right information When interconnected for FM stereo operation the 230 Phase Follower circuit is automatically disabled Nonetheless when two 2301 s are interconnected and the Phase Fo llower in one unit manually enabled the other Phase Follower circuit will be slaved to the fi...
Страница 9: ...or modification infonnation if and when it should become available Mounting The 230 is packaged to mount in a standard 19 inch equipment rack requiring 7 inches of rack space per unit The 230 generates negli gible heat and itself is unaffected by wide variations in the ambient operating temperature RFI The 230 is specifically designed to operate in close proximity to broadcast transmitters neverth...
Страница 10: ...ion peaks Line Considerations Should the equipment which feeds the 230 require output loading an external 600 ohm resistor should be placed across the 230 input tenni nals otherwise the input is balanced bridging with a characteristic input impedance of lOK or greater The source impedance of the 230 output amplifier ahead of the line output transfonner is virtually zero However as the output trans...
Страница 11: ... accordance with the initial setup procedure All adjusunents are made on the air utilizing a typical program feed and the station Modulation Monitor Basic Adjustments 1 Preset controls as follows COMPRESSION THRESHOLD a11 8 fully up OdB COMPRESSION RATIO all 8 4 1 FUNCTION U ngated LIMITER MODE Flat PEAK LIMITER RELEASE fully counterclockwise 2 With a nonnal program feed from the console adjust th...
Страница 12: ... under Basic Adjustments the Peak Limiter release time is at maximum resulting in slowest recovery from program peaks Average modulation can be increased significantly by turning the PEAK LIMITER RELEASE contol clockwise from its present full CCW position thus operating with a shorter re lease time The final setting must be based on a judgement of program quality compromising between a sound that ...
Страница 13: ...30 to bring up the higher frequency bands which are by nature lower in energy level If it is desired to maintain spectral balance and prevent response coloration by the 230 the COMPRESSION RATIO switches should be set identically and the THRESHOLD controls adjusted for approxi mately equal compression in all bands with typical program material Response may be tailored by adjusting either the RATIO...
Страница 14: ...n of the bandpass filter Q4 the low pass section Both sections are second order active filters with 12d8 per octave rolloff The output of the filter circuit is fed to the common Combining Bus through the BAND GAIN calibration control R25 Amplitude and phase characteristics of the eight individual filters are such that the combined outputs yield a flat signal with min imum phase distortion A portio...
Страница 15: ...ing Circuit A portion of the raw11 230 program input signal present on the Program Amplifier assembly is routed through GATING THRESHOLD control Rl to voltage amplifier IC2 This stage is bandwidth limited with 3d8 points at 300Hz and 3kHz This insures that the signal at the output will consist mostly of legitimate program material rather than purious noises IC3 a unity gain inverter and diodes CRl...
Страница 16: ...control of high frequencies is utilized in the 75µs and 5µs FM limiting mqdes In AM use IC2 functions only as a unity gain inverter A broadband peak reducing DC control voltage is derived from the output signal of the Peak Limiter assembly In AM processing applications this can be either the output of ICl or the inverted output of IC2 In the Phase Following mode the two switching FET1 s Q5 and 6 a...
Страница 17: ...accurate display of even the fastest pro gram peaks The independent high frequency limiter f unctions similarly to the broad band peak reduction circuit just discussed The output of IC2 is equal ized to the 75µs or 25µs characteristic by C12 and R48 and 49 IC6 is a gain stage driving the Baxandall rectifier comprised of Q14 15 16 and 17 The resultant DC is applied to Q4 tc reduce the higher fre qu...
Страница 18: ...d 2 Audio Oscillator Hewlett Packard 200CD or equivalent 3 AC Voltmeter Hewlett Packard 400H or equivalent Bandpass Compressor Preliminary 1 The Bandpass Compressor assemblies are adjusted one at a time in their own respective sockets with all other Bandpass Com pressor assembl ies removed 2 AC voltmeter access to the Compressor Input Bus and the output of the Combini ng Amplifier is made by tempo...
Страница 19: ...B to 19 SdBm 6 Turn Rl5 slowly CCW setting for an additional drop of 0 2dB to 20dBm At this point set R37 for a front panel Compression m eter reading of zero Ratio Cal 1 Set the RATIO switch to 2 1 With the AC voltmeter connected to the input monitor point increase the oscillator output level for a reading of 6d8m 2 Reconnect the AC voltmeter to the output monitor point Ad just R22 for a voltmete...
Страница 20: ...CCW 01 Qg_ Balance R34 Adjustment 1 Set the Peak Limiter MODE switch to Flat Set the oscillator to a frequency of 500Hz and adjust the oscillator output level for a reading of lOdBm on the AC voltmeter 2 Rotate R34 fully CCW Adjust RI for a minimum reading null on the AC voltmeter 3 Turn R34 fully CW and note the output reading Slowly rotate R34 CCW until the output decreases by O ldB 4 Set R45 fo...
Страница 21: ...Peak Limiter MODE switch to Asymnetrical and reset the oscillator frequency to 500Hz The front panel meter should indicate 10 15d8 of Peak Reduction Note the exact output reading 2 Connect one end of a short clip lead to the anode of CRl end nearest Q13 As the other end of the clip lead is touched to 18V top end of R29 the POLARITY indicators should toggle from to 3 Adjust R25 so that there is no ...
Страница 22: ...www SteamPoweredRadio Com I _____ l J t t ___ w _ p r r I t VII APPENDIX i i 22 ...
Страница 23: ...iVI J 1 llOI U JISW ltlilft flf t 1 UIII mJ 1 t PIT Mm1U lU I 1 _ PAI 111 1 CO O 11r1t 1 1 tc I JJ I rT1 N 0 I ii a I C n n a n I I I IJ L 11 l f 141 cm 2 W an tn 11 m II DI ow 01 GOU O n I l 0011 2 1 111 l J J n Ill 21 I JI 151 IS lll I OU n Lil IR l I JI J l II ISICIC I ur la 1 ZI Ul till ml c 1 I Id f J Mt Wli AJ f CK 1X A A QII t1 ti J j a I A j L Q o s I f i 7 z 71 o 6 o 1 J P 11 z 1 4 I 230 ...
Страница 24: ...www SteamPoweredRadio Com Ii iIIi i I i l 0 l ii I i cl i t t h a _ __ t 1 it t u l t iii i i r if ft a 1 e i r i c SM Ii 1 I 1 s i 1j1 l Jst i i I h d i i I t ...
Страница 25: ...lfF J r t I i _ j J 1 1 1 1 l ii l i i n HI 0 i L 1v f i t Y cl t l d t i l i i l i i 1 t I ti Oi 1 1 f t I 1 O I i I N ic1 l fl ti I i Ht h ll g tl l i d n I to ii 1 i iri I l fii ji ci id s l I 1 r S 1 I Ill rL l i r I i t I vi l I 5 f ls11r i i ...
Страница 26: ...www SteamPoweredRadio Com _ _ c 1 l I J t t T ___ t IT ______ ...
Страница 27: ...Pl0291 VERSION 0854 t II II 0022uF Sprague 225P22291 II I 00sa I II 0047uF Sprague 225P47291 II I 0862 I II OluF I Sprague 225Pl0391 I 0863 I II 022uF I Sprague 225P22391 II I 0865 I II 047uF I Sprague 225P47391 II I 0867 I II luF I Sprague 225P10491 It I 1065 I II 22uF r I Matsuo DTSA 3502 2 4M I I j I I II 1066 II 47uF i Matsuo DTSA 3502 474M l II I I 1 4 1100 Diode 1N4151 G E r 1 3 I 1300 I Int...
Страница 28: ...ed resistors are 1 4w carbon value and tolerance per schematic Switch 2 pole 3 posit1bn slide PROGRAM AMPLIFIER ASS Y I Capacitor lOpF II f 22pF j II I lOOpF I Part L1st Pg 2 I i i _ l tI lI l J lt i i f 1 1 r 1 MFG Nat i ona1 National National l Fairchfl d Beckman Beckman Arco Arco Arco J f J t C MANUFACTURER PART NUMBER 5 n J ii i I 91AR10K t 91ARSK k I r DM15 100J DM15 220J DM15 10lJ I 1 f r I ...
Страница 29: ...atic Switch Rotary 4 position Knob Skirted PEAK LIMITER ASS Y Capac 1 tor II II II II II II D iode 1N4151 lOpF 2 2uF 20v 4 7uF iov 0OluF l00v luF 100v 22uF 35v 47uF 35v n _ 1 J n A MFG Arco Matuso Matsuo Sprague Spragu Matsuo Matsuo G E s 0 I l I 11 I I MANUFACTURER PART NUMBER I i j I i I i l i ii 1 1 11 DM15 100J t DTSA 2002 225M 1i 0TSA 2002 475M l 225P10291 225P10491 1 DTSA 3502 224M f otsA Js...
Страница 30: ...egrated Circuit Type 748 C Transistor 2N3567 II 2N3645 II SE4010 II MPFlll Resistor Variable 100K II II SOK It II 10K Parts List Pg 3 r i MFG Matsuo Sprague Sprague Matsuo Matsuo G E Signet1cs National National Fairchild National Beckman Beckman Beckman J l i 0 MANUFA CTURER PART NUMBER t i l DTSA 200 75H lj 225P47291 l 225P10491 DTSA 3502 lOSM DTSA 2002 225M I I il l I I I 5748V I I I I I i II I ...
Страница 31: ...11 National I II 2N3567 National I II 2N3645 National I Resistor Variable lOK Beckman I II II lOOK Beckman I II II lOK Beckman I All fixed resistors are 1 4w carbon value and tolerance per schematic Switch Rotary 5 Position Knob Skirted Parts List PH 5 __ n i _ v f _i l I i t n i I 1 MANUFACTURER PART NUMBER J 1 I r 5748V f ii f l t LMi458 1 1 1 i i I r f 1 u I Wl il f 1 1 1 I it 91AR10K j i a 91A...
Страница 32: ...5 Rectifier Motorola 2702 Fuse 1 2A Littlefuse 2700 Fuseholder for Fl l 2 2015 LED green Monsanto l 4 2014 red litronix 1 1311 Integrated Circuit Type 7818 National 2 1312 II II Type 7918 National 3 1310 II II Type 1458 National I 9 I I P II l MANUFACTURER PART NUMBER TVA 1315 5GA D50 DTSA 2002 225M MV5253 t I RL4850 l LM7818C LM7918C LM1458 I I ti I t I I t t i l i J 1 I i J r f i I it i J 1J i i...
Страница 33: ... 6 tenninal IC Socket 14 pin dual fnl1ne Meter Edgewise COMPRESSION II bezel mounting PEAK REDUCTION Transformer Input II t II Shield for Tl Output Power Cable Ais y 14 conductor I Part List Pa 7 MFG i j l 1 r l 1 I r t 1 __ _ _ 4 J r J i r I J f 11 i r t MANUFACTURER L I PART NUMBER I l _ l 1 _ I Il 1 i ji I ft 1 i 1 t i l i f ct j fl f f I f r 1 t r I t t J iJ I i f if I tI 1i r1 _ J t l l 1 1 l...