Capacitive Touchscreen
User Manual H12 / SCAMAX® 8x1 - Version 2019.12 Enable/Disable Imprinter
Checking the top setting,
Print Initially
, will turn
on the printing function at the start of each
scan-process. The next four settings operate
independently of the top setting and allow
one-time or permanent printer activation and
de-activation, each of them triggered by an
associated event. You may choose a suitable
trigger event from the Event List (
see chapter
). Apart from these four automated cont-
rols, you may also manually start and stop imprinters by first programming and later tapping one of
the Quick-Access Buttons (
see chapter
), located on the scan screen. Print Text
Tapping this entry field will open up an on-
screen keyboard which you may use to enter the
desired printer text, including a multitude of readily available variables and attributes (
see further below,
for details
). As soon as a printer text has been defined, the presence and condition of an ink cartridge
see chapter
) will be checked, for the respective imprinter, whenever scanning starts. This is done
because afterwards, printing may happen at any time, either triggered by an event or manually started
by one of the Quick-Access
Between the entry field
Print Text
and the keyboard,
an area will appear where a
list of all available print va-
riables and print attributes
can be scrolled (
full list to the
). Variables and attributes
may either be inserted at the
cursor position by simply
tapping them. Entries from
the beginning of the list up
to and including any Check
Digits in the second column
are variables, all remaining
entries are attributes. To-
wards the end of the list, there are several attributes ending with
. These can only be used if the
scanner is equipped with an optional Imprinter HD (
see chapter
Print variables
Information can be integrated in the
Print Text
by printing variables that change during the scanning
process. Up to
ten different
variables can be specified at all points of the text and be combined with
attributes. The following variables are possible for the output of counters, and date/time information:
Counter variables:
The four counters are inserted via the variables
The scanners
Sequential ID by using
. If you wish to output these variables with a fixed amount of digits (and
possibly with leading zeros) you will need to insert variables
of any counter or Sequencial ID. Otherwise, output will happen without leading zeros, but always in
full length.