Colour Mobile Phone Dualband INNO89 User’s Guide
INNOSTREAM Confidential
PAGE : 57 of 57
E (Mi)
F (Fa)
G (Sol)
A (La)
B (Si)
moves a note up or down one octave
makes a note a semitone up. (For example )
increases the length of a note or a rest
decreases the length of a note or a rest
moves a note a tone up
(For example, the note A changes to A#, B, C, C#, and so on in
the scale each time you press the
] key)
moves a note a tone down
(For example, the note C# changes to C, B, A#, A, and so on in
the scale each time you press the
] key)
moves the note cursor to the next note
moves the note cursor to the previous note
[Clear soft key]
Short : clears the note in the note cursor
Long : Clears all musical paper
[Option soft key],
[SEND] or
launches Option menu
turns back to previous menu or screen
If you press [Option soft key], [SEND] or [NAVI-CENTRE], the following options are
Play : Listens to your melody
Save : Saves your melody
Add To Ring Melody : Saves your melody and add it to ring tone melody.
Delete : deletes your melody
Set Control Section : sets control parameters on the paper such as speed, style and
3. When you are satisfied with your melody, press the Save or Set Control Section in options.
4. Enter a title name for your melody
5. If you press [Ok soft key], the melody is saved.