R90 - 160N / R90 - 160I / R90 - 160NE / R90 - 160IE
Automatic stop pressure
The compressor will stop once the system pressure rises
to this pressure and the compressor is operating at the
minimum speed. The range for this setpoint will be the
target p1 to target p10 psi.
Immediate stop pressure
The compressor will stop if the system pressure rises
to this pressure. The range for this setpoint will be the
automatic stop pressure to automatic stop p10
Blowdown Mode
2 stage compressors will always blowdown when
signaled to stop.
If this mode is selected to ON the compressor will open
the blowdown valve anytime that it stops. This will vent
pressure from the airend and the separator tank. If this
mode is selected to OFF the blowdown valve will remain
closed when the compressor stops due to an automatic
stop. Blowdown mode is set on at all times for 2 stage
models. Blowdown mode will be shown as ”Not Installed”
at the controller display.
% savings compared to
This setpoint is to determine what VSD’s percent of
savings is compared to. The modes of operation for
comparing VSD to are modulation, online/offline, and
geometry. The percent savings value is displayed by the
status message, % energy savings
Energy Rate
The energy cost and the energy savings items on the
ENERGY STATUS screen will use this value for their
calculations. It is intended to be a monetary value
representing the user’s power cost per kilowatt hour.
Reset Averaging
When this setpoint is selected and the SET button is
pressed, the items on the ENERGY STATUS screen will be
reset, and the date the reset occurred will be displayed
in this setpoint. This selects the beginning of the time
period over which the ENERGY STATUS information will
be calculated. Note that the “Lifetime Energy Savings”
item will not be reset.
Service Menu
For use by
Ingersoll Rand
personnel only.