Infinity Chimp Series
Infinity Chimp Series
with the Master Speed. If multiple active Cuelists are configured this way then all these Cuelists will stay in
sync with each other and with the Speed Master.
Sound Triggers
When a Cues trigger is set to be one of the Sound Triggers, then this Cue will be played back as soon as
the Sound Trigger reaches its trigger threshold and the Cue with the trigger is the next one after the
current Cue.
Move in Black
MIB (Move In Black) is a function which in a cuelist the console will look ahead and preposition
parameters of fixtures that are raising the dimmer value from zero, to automatically prevent "ugly"
transitions where you would normally see the fixture move the attributes into position, while the fixture is
fading in.
MIB is enabled on a cue-per-cue basis, by giving the MIB-property of the cue a value which tells the
console when it should do the prepositioning for the cue in which MiB is defined.
Default MiB Fade and Delay Times can be set in the
Show Settings -
For MiB to work the fixture must be programmed with a dimmer value of 0% before the Move in Black
Also, for MiB to work, the attributes that should be preset need to be set to “Mark” or “MarkZero” in the
library of the fixture.
Here’s a quick example of how MiB works:
MiB Setting
#1: Intensity
#2: Intensity and Color
#3: Gobo
#4: Gobo and Color
Gobo 1
Cue 3
In Cue 2 MiB is set to early, but MiB will not be executed because the Dimmer Value before this Cue has
not been programmed at zero.
Cue 4 has the MiB setting set to a specific Cue.
As in Cue 3 the Dimmer value is set to 0%, the Gobo wheel will already be set to Gobo 1, so that when
the light comes on when Cue 4 is run, the gobo will not fade in or snap visibly.