Infinity Chimp Series
Infinity Chimp Series
Changing Cue Names, Timings and other Settings
To change Cue Names and Timings, you first need to open up a Cuelist Window as described previously.
As soon as the Cuelist View for the appropriate Cuelist has been opened up, select the cell with the
value you would like to change.
Multiple rows across the same column may be selected, however you can not select multiple columns at
the same time.
Press the
key (or double / long click into a cell) and enter the desired value.
: This column is used to drag / drop move or copy the cue.
Cue ID
: This column indicates the Cue number, which may be changed using the “Move Cue”
: This is the Name of the Cue, which may be modified to provide a brief description of the Cue
Trig Time
: This is the time that needs to pass until this cue will be started, use however depends on the
trigger selected for this Cue. In case the trigger is set to “Follow”, it may also be set to a negative time.
: Defines how this cue is started
In Fade
: This is the duration of the crossfade for all fixtures increasing dimmer values.
In Delay
: This is the delay that needs to pass for this cue to start any in fade after it has been started.
Out Fade
: This is the duration of the crossfade for all fixtures that have decreasing dimmer values. By
default, the Out Fade is equivalent to the In Fade
Out Delay
: This is the delay that needs to pass for this cue to start any out fade after it has been started.
In Snap
: This is the percentage of the overall cue time after all parameters that are set to be a "Snap-
Channel" (in the fixure library) will snap to their new value.
: This is a column that may be used for additional comments. It is only shown in the Cuelist View
: This column specifies which Cue or option should be used to preset this Cue and automatically
Move the light while its programmed dimmer value is 0.
MiB Fade
: This specifies the fade time for the Move in Black that happens in this particular Cue.
MiB Delay
: This is the Delay time for the Move in Black that happens in this particular Cue. This is useful for
tungsten fixtures with scrollers that may still be glowing.
MiB Error
: Indicates any reasons or errors of why MiB may not be able to be executed for this cue.
: CMDs are commands to start other Cuelists or execute a certain set of actions when this cue is
CMD Delay
: CMD Delay specifies a Delay time after all the commands of this Cue will be executed.
Intensity Fade, Intensity Delay and so on
: These fields can be used to easily adjust individual fade or delay
times for a certain parameter group.
Parameter Timing
: This column shows “Yes” if the cue contains individual timings. Selecting it and pressing
set will ask you to remove these timings for the whole Cue.