User Manual
TriBoard TC3X7 TH V2.0(1) and TriBoard TC3X7 V2.0
TriBoard Manual TC3X7
Hardware: TriBoard TC3X7 TH V2.0(1) and TriBoard TC3X7 V2.0
TriBoard Information
TriBoard Information
Usable devices
The board can be used with the following devices:
– TC397 A-Step (Ethernet and second HSCT will not work in this case because device don’t support RGMII and
don’t have second HSCT)
– TC397 B-Step
– TC387 A-Step
– TC377 A-Step
Please check always the latest manual for complete list of usable devices.
Power Supply
All needed voltages are generated via Infineon’s Multi Voltage Safety Micro Processor Supply TLF35584QV and via
the microcontroller itself (+1,25V).
The supply device is available as two different devices:
TLF35584QVVS1 -> +5V standby voltage, +5V TriCore supply (V_UC)
TLF35584QVVS2 -> +3,3V standby voltage, +3,3V TriCore supply (V_UC)
Dependent of the assembled device the board works with 5V or 3,3V IO.
The TLF35584QV provide the following voltages:
+3,3V or +5V for standby (connected to VEVRSB)
+3,3V or +5V for TriCore (connected to VEXT)
+5V communcation supply (used by CAN and FlexRay™ transceivers)
+5V voltage reference (connected to VDDM and VAREFx)
+3,3V via LDO directly from pre regulator (used by Ethernet PHY)
Applying a stable supply voltage causes the power on reset after a short period. The three LED's (V_UC, +3.3V,
+1V25) indicate the status of the on board generated voltages.
A manual power on reset is executed by pressing the reset button.
The Board has to be connected to a +3,5V to +40V DC power supply.
The power consumption is not specified yet but a supply with 12V and 500mA is recommended. The pinout for
the supply connector is shown in
. There can be used any standard power pack with a connector where
the positive line is surrounded by the ground line.
Failsafe handling
In case that the device don’t contains a program which disable or service the window watchdog and error pin
monitor of the TLF35584 then the TLF35584 is going to a FAILSAFE state where all supplies are switched off. This
state can be left via reconnect the power plug or via the ENA button (S502). In this case you must connect a
debugger which is able to disable the window watchdog and error pin monitor to reprogram the microcontroller.
In the default state of the board the switching to FAILSAFE state is switched off via resistor R508 (0R).
If you will use/evaluate all safety features of the TLF35584 remove assembled R508. Make sure that you have a
proper initialization of TLF35584 in your software.
Resistor R508 is red marked in the following