My first PSoC
6 MCU design using PSoC
This section does the following:
Demonstrates how to build a simple PSoC
6 MCU-based design and program it on to the development kit
Provides detailed steps that make it easy to learn PSoC
6 MCU design techniques and how to use the
Creator IDE
Using these instructions
These instructions are grouped into several sections. Each section is devoted to a particular phase of the
application development workflow. The major sections are:
Part 1: Create a new project from scratch
Part 5: Build the project and program the device
If you are familiar with developing projects with PSoC
Creator, you can use the PSoC
Creator version of the
code example
directly. It is a complete design, with all the
firmware written. You can walk through the instructions and observe how the steps are implemented in the
code example.
If you start from scratch and follow all the instructions in this application note, you use the code example as a
reference while following the instructions.
You can download the code example from the website by clicking the link above. You can also use the PSoC
Creator File > Code Example command. Set the Device family to PSoC
62. Select the PSoC
MCU Hello World
Example. Download the code example by clicking on the download icon adjacent to the example and then click
on Create Project, and follow the on-screen instructions.
This design is developed for the
. You can also use
to test this example by selecting the appropriate device from the
Device Selector.
About the design
This design uses the CM4 CPU of PSoC
6 MCU to execute two tasks: UART communication and LED control. At
device reset, the CM0+ CPU enables the CM4 CPU. The CM4 CPU uses the UART Component to print a “Hello
World” message to the serial port stream and when the Enter Key is pressed by the user, the LED on the PSoC
MCU Wi-Fi-Bluetooth
Pioneer Kit starts blinking.
Getting started with PSoC
6 MCU on PSoC
4 My first PSoC
6 MCU design using PSoC
Application Note
002-21774 Rev. *G