EVAL-IH-R5IPB-A-V1 Evaluation board
User Guide
Figure 9
Collector-current sensing: (a) schematic of sense circuit; (b) dependence of the IGBT peak
current on the resistance RCS; (c) comparison between IGBT collector current measured
by Rogowski coil (yellow curve, 20 A/div) and voltage measured at pin CS (green curve, 60
mV/div), time scale: 10 µs/div.
Tuning turn-on detection point of the IGBT
One of the critical aspects of the SEPR converter is to determine the optimal turn-on point of the IGBT, which is
during the conduction phase of the parallel diode. The evaluation board is already optimized to match the
optimal turn-on point of the IGBT. However, in case the resonant capacitance is replaced with a different value,
the turn-on detection point has to be changed. In order to do so, the resistance RV- has to be changed to adjust
Application Note
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