What Everyone Should Know
About House Dust Mites
Many people with year-round allergies are sensitized to allergens found in the
home, especially house dust mites. Allergic reactions to dust mites can cause
nasal and lung symptoms, including rhinitis (a blocked or runny nose),
wheezing and asthma. Dust mites are one of the most important causes of
allergy and asthma worldwide. Allergies run in families—if you or your partner
are allergic or have asthma, one or more of your children may also develop
Mites are tiny creatures (about 1/3mm in length), related to ticks and spiders
and invisible to the naked eye. They feed off skin scales shed by humans and
thrive in warm, humid conditions. Mites live in bedding, carpets and upholstered
furniture. Dust mites are only a problem for people who are allergic to them—
they do not bite or transmit diseases. You can test dust samples from beds or
carpets to check for mite allergens using the Ventia™ rapid allergen test.
Reducing allergen exposure is recommended by national allergy and asthma
guidelines. Knowing the allergen level in your home and taking steps to reduce
exposure helps to control asthma symptoms and
improve your quality of life.
From the leader in
indoor allergen testing
1216 Harris Street, Charlottesville, VA 22903, USA
©2009 INDOOR Biotechnologies Inc
Results in 10 minutes
Contains everything needed to
perform 2 tests
For Dust Mite
For Dust Mite
For Dust Mite
Results in
10 minutes
Contains ev
erything needed to perform 2 tests
Results in
10 minutes
Contains ev
erything needed to perform 2 tests
Allergic reactions to allergens found in the home can cause nasal
and lung symptoms, including rhinitis and asthma. House dust
mites, which live in bedding, carpets and upholstered furniture,
are one of the most important causes of allergy and asthma.
can check the level of dust mite allergens in your home using
this simple screening test, designed especially for home use.
Check dust mite levels in home or office:
Easy to use
Results in 10 minutes
No dust handling
Contains everything needed to perform 2 tests:
Dust collector system, testing solution, rapid test with built-in
color chart, and step-by-step instructions. All you need is a
vacuum cleaner to which you can attach the dust collector
nozzle contained in the kit.