The seat cushion valve is positioned between the legs so it can be opened
at sea for adjustment if you need it.
A small amount of adjustment is possible. The top of backrest should be
partially under the rear deck.
The footrest / pedals assembly
is inflated by mouth to a
moderate pressure, not critical.
With the rudder in a neutral
(straight-ahead) position, the
rudder lines can be adjusted at
tie-point so that
the pedals lean slightly towards
the paddler.
This has been pre-
set at the factory but may need further adjustment after a settling period
or first use.
The footrests are adjusted on the webbing straps for leg length. The rudder
lines on the rear unit will automatically adjust without further attention.
The pedal elastic cords should be adjusted so tension is sufficient
hold the pedals up. To avoid drag in the rudder lines do not over-tension.
The decks are an important and integral part of the
boat structure, stiffening the hull significantly
when closed.
Fit the curved fibreglass battens in the 6 pockets
provided in the deck undersides.
Important: pull
the decks in to relieve the zips of any load when
closing them.
An occasional spray with silicone
will keep the zips closing easily.
When opening the decks it is
necessary to
half withdraw
the battens.
Insert the white rod into the cockpit coaming sleeve and pull in tight
with the tab closure. Pull the webbing strap tight for security. Leave the
black cord in the rod end hanging out for easy removal later.
The barrel pump supplied is a heavy duty American pump which can
easily reach the higher boat pressures needed for this performance
kayak. Because it does not require a hose it can be used at sea to fix the
pressure drop at launching which occurs when the sea is cold and the
beach is hot. The inflation valves are located in the cockpit for this
Pull the sprayskirt up over your legs to chest height with the long part of
the skirt in front. Adjust the shoulder braces. You may choose not to
wear the braces - in which case tuck them inside the body tube.
Wear your paddle jacket and PFD (personal flotation device / life
the spray skirt.
When you get into the kayak, reach behind with the back of the skirt
elastic and tuck it under the edge of the cockpit coaming. Stretch the
elastic edge of the skirt forward with both hands, one each side, tucking
under the coaming as you work towards the front. When you reach the
front of the skirt
be sure the pull tab is out on top of the deck. This is
a matter for your safety if you should need to exit in emergency.
Performance is improved with pressure. Each of the main inflation chambers is fitted with a
pressure relief valve set to the optimum inflation pressures. If the boat is left on the beach in
the sun and internal pressures rise, the relief valves will blow. When the boat subsequently
cools (taken out of the sun or put in the water), there will be a corresponding loss of pressure
and you may wish to top up with the pump. You should only want to do this if you notice
undue flex in the boat at sea.
How to paddle a kayak is outside the scope of this manual. Good books on the subject of sea
kayaking are readily available.
It is essential that any user of this kayak take all reasonable steps to learn the basics of safety
at sea before venturing out. To gain experience, join a local sea kayak network or club.
The leaflet "A Basic Guide to Safe Sea Kayaking" is included with this manual. If this should
be missing, or additional copies are needed, please contact the agent who sold you this kayak
or Incept Marine Ltd or the Kiwi Association of Sea Kayakers, PO Box 23, Runanga 7854,
West Coast, New Zealand.