C o n t a c t i n g A p p l i c a t i o n S u p p o r t
In the event that you are unable to isolate the problem with your IB462H the
first action you should take is to contact the distributor from whom you
originally purchased your product or IMS Application Support at 860-295-
6102 or by fax at 860-295-6107. Be prepared to answer the following
What is the application?
In detail, how is the system configured?
What is the system environment? (Temperature, humidity,
exposure to chemical vapors, etc.)
What external equipment is the system interfaced to?
Current set too high.
S y m p t o m
Inadequate holding torque.
P o s s i b l e P r o b l e m
Incorrect current adjust setting or resistor value.
Increase holding current with the current reduction adjust resistor.