STI S.r.l.
– Via Dei Caravaggi 15, 24040 Levate (BG) – ITALY www.imi-critical.com
Manual 5400, rev. 05 02/2018
Manual Override
When requested, a manual override to move the actuator in case of lack of pneumatic pressure is supplied
as an integral part of the actuator itself.
For the single acting actuators Series RTQS two types of manual override are foreseen (see and each with its own functioning logic.
Position of the valve and position of the manual override in relation to the
actuator availability MUST be always known.
The following paragraphs and provide the information to enable
the operator to know the position of the manual override.
Position of the valve is provided by the local indicator described at paragraph
2.2 item 6).
7.3.1 Indication of position of the manual override
Manual Override type HP
For this type of Manual Override a specific
Manual 2094
is available.
By means a selector lever it is possible to select LOCAL or
REMOTE operation. (see Figure 9)
When lever of the local selector is in LOCAL position,
identified by a specific label fixed on device, the manual
override HP is engaged, consequently the actuator cannot
be operated by remote inhibiting its safety function.
To restore the automatic function the selector lever must
be rotated 90° clockwise towards the position identified by
the label REMOTE.
Fig. 9
– HP device