Platinum™ VX
Installation and Operation Manual
System Configuration
© 2016 Imagine Communications Corp.
Proprietary and Confidential.
Version 1.2 | Page 154
Categories and Index Editor
Click the
Categories and Indexes Editor
button in the
Database Foundry
view to access the Categories
and Indexes Editor.
Categories are a navigational tool that help you find specific ports on a large router. Indexes are the
characters assigned to a category. Category indexing is the primary method of selecting sources and
destinations on hardware control panels used to control a Router. With category indexing, both a
category (for example, VTR, CAM, etc.) and an index (21, 2, 36, etc.) are required to identify a device.
The first click of a button selects the category; the second click selects the index.
For example, you may have a category called CAM, and within that you have four cameras with index
labels 1, 2, 3, and 4. In order to select the destination or source on a control panel, you would first click
CAM, and the options would then refresh to offer you 1,2,3,4.
This method of category indexing allows many sources to be accessed from a single panel without the
need for hundreds of selection buttons. A Broadcast Center, for example, could contain twenty
monitors, each of which could be accessed using the one button labeled “MON” followed by the
appropriate index number. Similarly, each of twenty cameras could be selected using only one button
labeled “CAM” followed by the appropriate index number.
Using the Categories and Index Editor
Sources and Destinations are displayed on the left. You have the following options:
: Click the Autogenerate button to generate categories and indexes for all sources and
destinations. This is the easiest way to do it, and you can then edit or tweak as required.